
Por Igor Zakutynsky | Actualizada 14 дней назад | Business Software
Health Check



Algorithmia Package

Connect to the Algorithmia API to host language-agnostic functions and algorithms via an API. Test an API call and export the code snippet into your app.

How to get credentials:

  1. Log in or sign up to
  2. In the upper right corner select your profile picture->My Account->Credentials
  3. Create new simple key.
  4. Use API Key as credentials apiKeys.


You can call each algorithm from the Algorithmia marketplace.
On the marketplace, you’ll find an owner (the user who created the algorithm), an algorithm name

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
owner String Algorithm owner
algoname String Algorithm name
data JSON Input for the algorithm. JSON object


Check if directory or file exists without downloading it

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
name String File or directory


List the contents of a directory

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
path String Directory (relative to the root of a given data source)
acl Boolean Include the directory ACL in the response. (Default = false)


Create a directory through the Algorithmia Data API

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
path String Directory (relative to the root of a given data source)
name String Name of the directory to create


Update a directory

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
path String Directory (relative to the root of a given data source)
acl JSON JSON object specifying permissions of the directory
ACL Attribute:
  • [user://*]: Readable by anyone (public)
  • algo://.my/*: Readable by your algorithms (default)
  • Fully private is represented as an empty list

Example: "acl": {"read": []} implies the directory is fully private


Delete a directory

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
path String Directory (relative to the root of a given data source)
force Boolean If true, enables recursive delete of a non-empty directory


Get a file through the Algorithmia Data API

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
path String File path (relative to the root of a given data source)


Upload a file through the Algorithmia Data API

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
path String Directory (relative to the root of a given data source)
file File Uploaded file


Delete a file through the Algorithmia Data API

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Algorithmia
connector Select The data source: data,dropbox,s3
path String File path (relative to the root of a given data source)
Seguidores: 4
Sitio web del producto
Creador de la API:
Rapid account: Igor Zakutynsky
Igor Zakutynsky
Inicie sesión para calificar la API
Valoración: 5 - Votos: 1