Spotify Scraper

Par DataFanatic | Mise à jour 8일 전 | Music

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Help Please

Rapid account: Rizwanbg 50
7달 전

i want from this api to get spotify album mp3 url to download it from spotify url but i’m confused from which route of your api i can get my results . i try different routes but i not getting it
please help ASAP

Rapid account: Data Fanatic
DataFanatic Commented 7달 전

Currently, this API doesn’t provide the solution to retrieve the audio file URLs directly from Spotify. The only solution here is to search other music platforms like YouTube and SoundCloud for the most similar tracks and download them.

We recommend you use our other APIs SoundCloud Scraper and YouTube Media Downloader where you can directly get the audio URLs from the corresponding platforms at lower prices.

Rapid account: Rizwanbg 50
rizwanbg50 Commented 7달 전

i want the audio files urls to download please let me know if i can do it using your api

Rapid account: Data Fanatic
DataFanatic Commented 7달 전

If you only need the track metadata without downloading the audio files, you should use the endpoint “Get Track Metadata”, of which each request only costs you 1 unit of quota.

Rapid account: Rizwanbg 50
rizwanbg50 Commented 7달 전

can i not download spotify track
but these both have 3-4 quotas
Download Track on YouTube
Download Track on SoundCloud

Rapid account: Data Fanatic
DataFanatic Commented 7달 전

Hello. You can use the following two endpoints to download tracks:

  1. Download Track on YouTube
  2. Download Track on SoundCloud

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