Business E-Mail Resolution

Par Implisense | Mise à jour vor 2 Monaten | Business
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How to easily test the API with Postman

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to test the new API for getting essential company information by providing a business email address using Postman:

Step 1: Obtain the API Key
To access the API, you’ll need an API key from RapidAPI. Sign up on RapidAPI’s website ( and subscribe to the API you want to use. Once subscribed, RapidAPI will provide you with an API key.

Step 2: Set up Postman
If you haven’t already, download and install Postman ( on your machine. Launch Postman and sign in to your account or create a new one.

Step 3: Create a new request
In Postman, click on the “New” button to create a new request. Select the “Request” option.

Step 4: Set the request method and URL
Set the request method to “POST” and enter the API endpoint URL.

Step 5: Set the headers
In the request headers section, set the following headers:

  • Key: "X-RapidAPI-Key"
    Value: <Your RapidAPI API Key>

Step 6: Set the request body
In the request body section, select the “raw” option and set the content type to “JSON”. Then, provide the business email address in the request body JSON format. For example:

  "email": ""

Step 7: Send the request
Click on the “Send” button to send the API request.

Step 8: Receive the response
Postman will display the response received from the API. The response will contain the essential company information associated with the provided email address.

That’s it! You have successfully tested the new API to get essential company information by providing a business email address using Postman. You can now analyze the response and use the information as required.