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Post Likes endpoint does not return full list of liker

Rapid account: Kevinlhm 36
vor 2 Monaten

Post Likes endpoint does not return full list of liker
there is also no cursor returned.

Rapid account: Instagapicom
Instagapicom Commented vor 2 Monaten

Hi Kevin,

The token has a validity period. Instagram does the ranking with its own algorithm. If the token is working, you will pick up where you left off.


Rapid account: Kevinlhm 36
kevinlhm36 Commented vor 2 Monaten

any update?

Rapid account: Kevinlhm 36
kevinlhm36 Commented vor 2 Monaten

one more question, is the liker list always order by like time? I am asking because I want to monitor the like grow. If I save the last end_cursor for yesterday and fetch from it today, can I assume I will get all the likers from today?

Rapid account: Kevinlhm 36
kevinlhm36 Commented vor 2 Monaten

beautiful, thank you very much

Rapid account: Instagapicom
Instagapicom Commented vor 2 Monaten

Please use the “Post Likes (Full)” endpoint. You must type the end_cursor value for the following pages.


Rapid account: Kevinlhm 36
kevinlhm36 Commented vor 2 Monaten

sorry about that, the endpoint I used was{end_cursor}
the count is 500 and the shortcode is C4yu3CNyNKh,
the response return 3018 likes which is correct but the likes array only have 98 items

Rapid account: Instagapicom
Instagapicom Commented vor 2 Monaten

Can you write the endpoint and shortcode that you use for us to test?

Rapid account: Kevinlhm 36
kevinlhm36 Commented vor 2 Monaten

is this because of a user privacy setting?

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