Botometer Pro

Par Observatory on Social Media | Mise à jour il y a 21 jours | Social

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Can I classify the users based on screen_name without tweets data?

Rapid account: Niyaz 94
il y a 2 ans

I have newly collected a dataset from Twitter API. I want to classify the users using Botometer API. I tried (Check account v4) but the request body is different from the data I collected. My question is there any way to classify users just by providing (id_str, screen_name)? if, no, how can I convert my row data that is suitable with the API request body? I’m new in the field please give me some best practices to classify my row data.

Rapid account: O So Me
OSoMe Commented il y a 2 ans

To be sure the data is formatted properly, we recommend using our Python library:

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