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Getting 400 error

Rapid account: Afreensony 1 Q L 6 Jc 7 B Qo G 4
2 года назад

While running the code, I am getting an error like: errorCode: 400
errorMessage: “Invalid ConditionExpression: An expression attribute value used in expression is not defined; attribute value: :v___EntId”. Can you help me with this?

Rapid account: Orbit Solve
OrbitSolve Commented 2 года назад

Okay, we found the issue. You were trying to update an entity without Entity-Id. When you call a PUT request the entity should have a property _id with the unique identified of that Entity. We are working on improving the error message.

Team faiRESTdb
OrbitSolve, LLC

Rapid account: Orbit Solve
OrbitSolve Commented 2 года назад

Hi afreensony1,
Sorry to see the error. Since we do not save your input data on Logs, we are not able to fetch the input data which caused the error. Can you please send the details to fairestdb@orbitsolve.com.

Team faiRESTdb
OrbitSolve, LLC

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