StreamlineWatch - Streaming Guide

Par StreamlineWatch | Mise à jour 2ヶ月前 | Media

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API optimizations

I am very delighted to use your API which is quite amazing.
I think there are small quick wins that could optimize API call for some information, it is of course subject to technical constraints you only have clue.
To get the platforms sources of any content it will require to make to calls : either /shows followed by /shows/id or /movies followed by **/movies/id **

When we have a look on data object returned for the path with id only differs with the others without by the “sources” field.

Is there any possibility to to get as well sources fields from /movies and /shows path.


Rapid account: Streamline Watch
StreamlineWatch Commented 1年前


Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately this is not possible given the current state of the api but thanks for the suggestion. The /shows or /movies endpoints are here to give you basic info about the content and about the availability on a given streaming service or type of streaming service, while the /shows/id or /movies/id can return more detailed info of a specific content along with the deeplinks.


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