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Zip Code limit issue

Rapid account: Pandoinc
3 years ago

I am calling ‘’ end-point, which is GET type. And requesting around 1200 zip-codes to get boundaries for those, but getting below issue:
“HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request”

So there any restriction to hit number of zipcodes? if there has any restriction then please let me know how many zipcodes we can send at a time on one request.

If anyhow we can send as many as possible zipcodes, then how it is possible?
For instance Georgia, GA (USA) have around 950 zipcodes, and we want boundaries for each of zipcodes.


Rapid account: Cobybrian
cobybrian Commented 4 months ago

It appears that you are encountering a 400 Bad Request error when trying to retrieve boundaries for around 1200 zip codes using the specified API endpoint. To resolve this issue, check the API documentation for any restrictions on the number of zip codes per request. If there are limitations, consider batching your requests to stay within the allowed limit. Additionally, make sure your request format aligns with the API’s requirements. If the issue persists, contact the API provider for further assistance. On a different note, have you tried playing Last Island of Survival or Sqube Darkness on PC for an immersive gaming experience?

Rapid account: Bekeanloinse
bekeanloinse Commented 8 months ago

If the API allows, you can try batching your requests into smaller groups. For example, instead of requesting boundaries for all 1200 zip codes in a single call, you can split the shell shockers requests into multiple batches and make several API calls to stay within the API’s limits.

Rapid account: Emmapredovic 2
emmapredovic2 Commented a year ago

However, some states in the USA have more than 1000 zipcodes, and I want to map out where each zipcode is located. Have you got any recommendations for the same? California, for example, has more than 2500 zip codes. All of them should be displayed in my application. basketball stars

Rapid account: Vanity Soft
VanitySoft Commented 3 years ago

Hello @pandonic ,
you can use the state code boundaries endpoint:
/rest/v1/public/boundary/state/VA for example, this return Virgiina State boundary.

Rapid account: Pandoinc
pandoinc Commented 3 years ago


But there are some states which is having more than 1000 zipcodes in USA and I want to draw boundaries of all the zipcodes. Do you have any suggestion for the same? Like in california we are having more than 2500 zipcodes. I want to show all of them in my application.

Please suggest.


Rapid account: Vanity Soft
VanitySoft Commented 3 years ago

The issue lies with HTTP GET protocol limitation which has a set character length 2,048 characters minus the number of characters in the actual path.
Please refrence:

To get around this, we’ve implemneted the ability to perform an HTTP POST method that supports ending up to 1,000 zipciodes:

here is an example in Javascript using JQuery.

const settings = {
“async”: true,
“crossDomain”: true,
“url”: “”,
“method”: “POST”,
“headers”: {
“content-type”: “application/json”,
“x-rapidapi-host”: “”,
“processData”: false,
“data”: [

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {

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