NSFW Detect

Par AI-Engine | Mise à jour 2 месяца назад | Visual Recognition

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Niveau de service


Health Check




You can use NSFW Detect to detect content that is inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive. You can use NSFW Detect APIs in social media, broadcast media, advertising, and e-commerce situations to create a safer user experience, provide brand safety assurances to advertisers, and comply with local and global regulations.

Main Features

  • Detect Moderation Content From images

Label Categories

Top-Level Category Second-Level Category
Explicit Nudity Nudity, Graphic Male Nudity, Graphic Female Nudity, Sexual Activity, Illustrated Explicit Nudity, Adult Toys
Suggestive Female Swimwear Or Underwear, Male Swimwear Or Underwear, Partial Nudity, Barechested Male, Revealing Clothes, Sexual Situations
Violence Graphic Violence Or Gore, Physical Violence, Weapon Violence, Weapons, Self Injury
Visually Disturbing Emaciated Bodies, Corpses, Hanging, Air Crash, Explosions And Blasts
Rude Gestures Middle Finger
Drugs Drug Products, Drug Use, Pills, Drug Paraphernalia
Tobacco Tobacco Products, Smoking
Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholic Beverages
Gambling Gambling
Hate Symbols Nazi Party, White Supremacy, Extremist


HTTP Method URL Description
POST https://nsfw-detect3.p.rapidapi.com/nsfw-detect detect inappropriate content

NSFW Detect

Proprity Description
URL https://nsfw-detect3.p.rapidapi.com/nsfw-detect
Methode POST
POST Parameters image: BINARY OR url: STRING
Supported content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded | multipart/form-data

Response Schema

"responses": {
  "statusCode" :..,
  "body": {
    "ModerationLabels": [
        "Confidence": ...,
        "Name": ...,
        "ParentName": ...,

Field Type Description
statusCode int Status code of image processing
ModerationLabels[] array List of detected labels
ModerationLabels[].Confidence float percentage confidence that the label is correct
ModerationLabels[].Name string Label Name
ModerationLabels[].ParentName string Name of Parent Label

Abonnés : 3
Ressources :
Site Web du produit
Créateur d'API :
Rapid account: AI Engine
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Note : 5 - Votes : 1