Twitter API

Par Alexander Vikhorev | Mise à jour לפני 6 ימים | Social

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Check- Like, Follow, Retweet not consistent answer

Rapid account: Robi J 9 J O Bj ZIV
לפני חודש


The check- like, follow and retweet endpoints results are not consisttent. About 7/10 times it gives back true, and 3/10 time false. I retried with the same users and tweet ids. Mine is a new test user, and i followed existing user and liked and retweeted a tweet from 2022.
Can you check that why it’s giving back false as a result, when it should only give back true?

Rapid account: Ali 3 Nznft
ali3nznft Commented לפני יומיים

I have a function to check retweet and reply at the same time and with this errors I have a true answe 1 of 100 intents is frustating

Rapid account: Robi J 9 J O Bj ZIV
robi-j9jOBjZIV Commented לפני חודש

The problem is still relevant, a lot of times the check like, check follow and check retweet endpoints give back false as response, when it should give back true. Can you check it please?

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