Animetrics Face Recognition

Par animetrics | Mise à jour 2 months ago | Media

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Diasabled api

Rapid account: Orkwizard
10 years ago

When tried to use it says “Account disabled by security reasons”

Contact Animetrics support

Please advice

Rapid account: Orkwizard
orkwizard Commented 10 years ago api key e417e876e0655cb3ac261039a6f3ee58

Rapid account: Animetrics
animetrics Commented 10 years ago

This indicates that our geolocation service detected a different country than the one you specified. Can you send me your email or api key and I can get things sorted out?

Rapid account: Animetrics
animetrics Commented 10 years ago

Our geolocation says you are in the US and you specified Mexico. Perhaps your ISP has a US block of IP addresses. I have re-enabled your account. Sorry about the hiccup. Let me know if you have any more issues.

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