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Paneer recipes not showing up in the autocomplete API results

Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
3년 전

I am trying to use the autocmplete recipe. The default value in the example is chicken soup, and its returns 2 results. However, when I replace that with “paneer”, I don’t get any result at all. The Tasty website, however, has a number of paneer recipes. Can anyone tell me what am I missing?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 3년 전


As I have already tried to describe our service. There is no way to extract all IDs of recipes at once as you cannot load all recipes at once via the listing page of official site. You may use …/recipes/list endpoint to get them, and there are option parameters for paging purpose. There is id field returned in the response.


Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
sandhyaneer1 Commented 3년 전

Oh. Got it. So you wouldn’t know why paneer is showing up, only Tasty can know. Got it. Thanks. Will it be possible for you to expose an exhaustive list of all recipe ids? If that requires a special payment plan, we are ready to discuss.

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 3년 전


We actually do not design or work with the system of Tasty.co. We simply try reproducing all features and data that are available in the back-end as many as possible and open them to all of you via these endpoints. All endpoints follow UX/UI design of the site/application, and are mapped to related features accordingly. Everything should behave as same as the official site/application. You always do something like : auto complete -> search -> list -> see detailed information. The response data is live and synced with the site in real time of course.


Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
sandhyaneer1 Commented 3년 전

I know the difference between the two. My question was simple - if the website/API does have recipes for both paneer and chicken, why does autocomplete return results for chicken but not for paneer? My second question - is there a way to get an exhaustive list of recipe ids from the API somehow (which of course keeps changing as more recipes get added or modified or removed regularly)?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 3년 전


You need to differ and understand between “auto complete” and “search”. When you type something in the textbox and it pops up some results, it suggests something back, it is auto complete feature. You then choose or not choose the returned words and press enter, it is search feature.


Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
sandhyaneer1 Commented 3년 전

What do you mean by misused endpoint completely? What makes you think that I haven’t used them all and then asked questions? The “q” param implies that somebody has to search for one particular item and get results to see if they exist, while the autocomplete API shows if results exist without needing to search the actual recipes. It is not so hard to understand, so please curb your judgment and answer in a civil manner.

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 3년 전


You misused the endpoint completely. You should check …/recipes/list with the “q” parameter. You should spend more time and try all available endpoints.


Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
sandhyaneer1 Commented 3년 전

Yes, no autocomplete shows up, but 13 paneer recipes do show up if you hit “Enter” after typing “paneer”. So is it that the API has recipes for which there is no autocomplete result? Isn’t that a bug? Secondly, is there any exhaustive list of recipe ids, ingredient ids, etc. that are available in the API so that they can be queried to find results for a recipe even if autocomplete returns no result?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 3년 전


Please check the screenshots :

I don’t see any results with “paneer” word.


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