Bet365 API Inplay

Par apinotdance | Mise à jour vor einem Monat | Sports

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Hot to Fix: Failed to load resource

Rapid account: Cimeriapp
vor einem Monat

Why I get error: Failed to load resource: server responded with status 429(), I need solutions how to fix to get free request other. I get a different key with another gmail and when I change it I get this error, please tell me where the problem is. I need the request time to test the api until I get the data, then I will pay my client for the next package with many requests.

Rapid account: Apinotdance
apinotdance Commented vor einem Monat

429 - too many requests, this message about limits. Maybe, rapidapi sees that you are using multi accs. You are writing from two accs)
Write to support about this error!

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