Advanced Exercise Finder

Par Brian Ong | Mise à jour 3 महीने पहले | Health and Fitness

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Structuring a specific query

The most useful query of this API is the exercises query which takes in an exercise query input.

This exercise query input is flexible, taking in any or all of the exercise query options to filter exercises to the exact ones requested.

Keep in mind lists in the query input are treated such that all exercises are returned which contain ALL specified items in the given query type, and optionally more.

The query options as of now and their options are:

Query option Available values Description
search any string you’d like! Any exercise which contains the search query string within its name will be included, after the other query filters are applied
equipment barbell, dumbbells, machine, cable, kettlebell, resistance band, resistance band assisted, ez curl barbell, trap bar, smith machine, body weight, weighted, none, misc The equipment required to perform the exercise
force push, pull, push, push and pull The force application when performing the movement
movement dynamic, isometric Whether the movment is isometric or dynamic
primaryMuscleGroups back, chest, shoulders, arms, legs, core The primary major muscle groups used to perform the exercise
secondaryMuscleGroups back, chest, shoulders, arms, legs, core The secondary major muscle groups used to perform the exercise
primaryMuscles trapezius, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, upper chest, lower chest, pectoralis minor, anterior deltoid, lateral deltoid, posterior deltoid, triceps, biceps, pronators, supinators, forearm flexors, forearm extensors, brachioradialis, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, adductors, abductors, gluteal muscles, obliques, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis The primary muscles used to perform the exercise
secondaryMuscles trapezius, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, upper chest, lower chest, pectoralis minor, anterior deltoid, lateral deltoid, posterior deltoid, triceps, biceps, pronators, supinators, forearm flexors, forearm extensors, brachioradialis, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, adductors, abductors, gluteal muscles, obliques, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis The secondary muscles used to perform the exercise
tags powerlifting, olympic, strongman, calisthenics, plyometric Additional categories exercises can be associated with
type compound, isolation Whether the exercise is a compound or isolation exercise

An example of how your exercise query input might look is like this:

  "exerciseQuery": {
    "force": "push",
    "search": "press",
    "equipment": "machine",
    "primaryMuscles": ["upper chest", "triceps"],
    "secondaryMuscleGroups": ["arms"]

This will return you all exercises from the database which

  • Use a pushing force type
  • Contain “press” in the name
  • Use a machine as the equipment
  • Use the upper chest and triceps as primary muscles
  • Use arms as the secondary muscle group worked