SMS Cloud

Par brianpando | Mise à jour vor 22 Tagen | Communication
Health Check




  1. Install our our Android App and use the device-token (download from G Drive). you can search smsCloud Sender on Play Store (Pending).

  2. Open our Android App, it should show a Token data.

  3. Use this in the POST headers. then config the messages to send. max 10 SMS by sending is allowed.

  4. for security , You should recieve a notification for send sms on your Phone (your phone is now a gateway for send your sms). You should be enabled to send SMS in your country.

Abonnés : 0
Ressources :
Conditions d'utilisation
Créateur d'API :
Rapid account: Brianpando
Connectez-vous pour évaluer l'API
Note : 5 - Votes : 1