Steam Market and Store

Par Edoardo Cantagallo | Mise ร  jour 2 mesi fa | Gaming

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Heroku | Application Error

Rapid account: Rspeacax
2 mesi fa

Hi Edoardo,

When using the API to retrieve Price History by ID it states the following:

  • 404 Client Error
  • Heroku | Application Error

I have used some of your other APIs. They do not seem to have any problems.

Do you know how to fix the problem with this API?

I am currently doing my masters in Finance, and i am heavely relying on your API to work. I have fetched some data from it, but i would like to have more to make my thesis robust.

Kind Regards.

Rapid account: Cantagalloedoardo
cantagalloedoardo Commented un mese fa

HI there! Sorry for the late reply, I have been out of office. I will check the API over the weekend!

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