Chinese Lunar Calendar

Par copy2sim | Mise à jour 2ヶ月前 | Data

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LunarDateChinese dosnt have the year at the end

Rapid account: BTRTSIT
Rapid account: BTRTSIT
BTRTSIT Commented 9ヶ月前

Thank you, will take this field and concatenate. Thanks.

Rapid account: BTRTSIT
BTRTSIT Commented 9ヶ月前

Sure, Yes, Thank you. Because its crucial that we have the date as well for our requirement.

Rapid account: Copy 2 Sim
copy2sim Commented 9ヶ月前

FYI, I added a new field, which is called lunarYearinChinese, please refer to the tutorial for the explanation.

Rapid account: Xlshao
xlshao Commented 9ヶ月前

Thank you for your comment. Indeed, the lunarDateinChinese value does not include the year component.

Would you be interested in obtaining the lunar date with the year included? If so, I would be more than happy to create one for you.

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