
Par Dmitry Shumytskyi | Mise à jour vor 14 Tagen | Email
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Postmark Package

Postmark helps deliver and track transactional emails for web applications. In a nutshell, the service replaces SMTP (or Sendmail) with a far more reliable, scalable and care-free environment. In addition, you can track statistics such as number of emails sent or processed, opens, bounces and spam complaints.

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on the
  2. Create an server for a new API credentials
  3. After creation server you will see API credentials in server settings

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Send single email.This endpoint is solely responsible for sending emails with Postmark through a specific server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
from String The sender email address. Must have a registered and confirmed Sender Signature.
to String Recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
CcRecipientEmailAddress String Cc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
BccRecipientEmailAddress String Bcc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
subject String Email subject.
tag String Email tag that allows you to categorize outgoing emails and get detailed statistics.
htmlBody String If no TextBody specified HTML email message.
textBody String If no HtmlBody specified Plain text email message.
textBody String If no HtmlBody specified Plain text email message.
replyTo String Reply To override email address. Defaults to the Reply To set in the sender signature.
headers Array List of custom headers to include.
trackOpens Select Activate open tracking for this email.
trackLinks Select Activate link tracking for links in the HTML or Text bodies of this email.
attachments Array List of attachments.
Attachments example
      "Name": "readme.txt",
      "Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
      "ContentType": "text/plain"


Send batch emails.This endpoint is solely responsible for sending emails with Postmark through a specific server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
emails Array Array of email.
emails.from String The sender email address. Must have a registered and confirmed Sender Signature. String Recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
emails.CcRecipientEmailAddress String Cc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
emails.BccRecipientEmailAddress String Bcc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
emails.subject String Email subject.
emails.tag String Email tag that allows you to categorize outgoing emails and get detailed statistics.
emails.htmlBody String If no TextBody specified HTML email message.
emails.textBody String If no HtmlBody specified Plain text email message.
emails.textBody String If no HtmlBody specified Plain text email message.
emails.replyTo String Reply To override email address. Defaults to the Reply To set in the sender signature.
emails.headers JSON Json list of custom headers to include.
emails.trackOpens Select Activate open tracking for this email.
emails.trackLinks Select Activate link tracking for links in the HTML or Text bodies of this email.
emails.attachments JSON List of attachments
Attachments example
      "Name": "readme.txt",
      "Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
      "ContentType": "text/plain"


Get delivery stats.Lets you access all reports regarding your bounces for a specific server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.


Lets you access all reports regarding your bounces for a specific server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count Number Number of bounces to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of bounces to skip.
inactive Select Filter by emails that were deactivated by Postmark due to the bounce. Set to true or false. If this isn’t specified it will return both active and inactive.
emailFilter String Filter by email address.
tag String Filter by tag.
messageID String Filter by messageID.
fromDate DatePicker Filter messages starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01
toDate DatePicker Filter messages up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01
type Select Bounce types.See more in here.


Get a single bounce.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
bounceId String Id of bounce.


Get bounce dump.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
bounceId String Id of bounce.


Activate a bounce.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
bounceId String Id of bounce.


Get an array of tags that have generated bounces for a given server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.


Get a template.Lets you manage templates for a specific server. Please note that a Server may have up to 300 active templates. Requests that exceed this limit won’t be processed.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
templateId Number ID of template.


Create a template.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
name String Name of template.
subject String The content to use for the Subject when this template is used to send email. See documentation for more information.
textBody String The content to use for the HtmlBody when this template is used to send email. Required if htmlBody is not specified. See documentation for more information.
htmlBody String The content to use for the TextBody when this template is used to send email. Required if textBody is not specified. See documentation for more information.


Edit a template.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
templateId Number ID of template.
name String Name of template.
subject String The content to use for the Subject when this template is used to send email. See documentation for more information.
textBody String The content to use for the HtmlBody when this template is used to send email. Required if htmlBody is not specified. See documentation for more information.
htmlBody String The content to use for the TextBody when this template is used to send email. Required if textBody is not specified. See documentation for more information.


Get list of templates.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count String The number of templates to return.
offset Number The number of templates to skip before returning results.


Delete a template.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
templateId Number ID of template.


Validate a template.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
name String Name of template.
subject String The content to use for the Subject when this template is used to send email. See documentation for more information.
textBody String The content to use for the HtmlBody when this template is used to send email. Required if htmlBody is not specified. See documentation for more information.
htmlBody String The content to use for the TextBody when this template is used to send email. Required if textBody is not specified. See documentation for more information.
inlineCssForHtmlTestRender Select When HtmlBody is specified, the test render will have style blocks inlined as style attributes on matching html elements. You may disable the css inlining behavior by passing false for this parameter.
testRenderModel JSON The model to be used when rendering test content.
Example for testRenderModel
  "userName": "bobby joe"


Send email with template.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
templateId Number The template to use when sending this message.
templateModel Number The model to be applied to the specified template to generate HtmlBody, TextBody, and Subject.
inlineCss Select By default, if the specified template contains an HTMLBody, we will apply the style blocks as inline attributes to the rendered HTML content. You may opt-out of this behavior by passing false for this request field.
from String The sender email address. Must have a registered and confirmed Sender Signature.
to String Recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
CcRecipientEmailAddress String Cc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
BccRecipientEmailAddress String Bcc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50.
tag String Email tag that allows you to categorize outgoing emails and get detailed statistics.
replyTo String Reply To override email address. Defaults to the Reply To set in the sender signature.
headers Array List of custom headers to include.
trackOpens Select Activate open tracking for this email.
trackLinks Select Activate link tracking for links in the HTML or Text bodies of this email.
attachments Array List of attachments


Get the server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.


Edit the server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
name String Name of server.
color Select Color of the server in the rack screen.
smtpApiActivated Select Specifies whether or not SMTP is enabled on this server.
rawEmailEnabled Select Enable raw email to be sent with inbound.
deliveryHookUrl String URL to POST to every time email is delivered.
inboundHookUrl String URL to POST to every time an inbound event occurs.
bounceHookUrl String URL to POST to every time a bounce event occurs.
includeBounceContentInHook Select Include bounce content in webhook.
openHookUrl String URL to POST to every time an open event occurs.
postFirstOpenOnly Select If set to true, only the first open by a particular recipient will initiate the open webhook. Any subsequent opens of the same email by the same recipient will not initiate the webhook.
trackOpens Select Indicates if all emails being sent through this server have open tracking enabled.
trackLinks Select Indicates if all emails being sent through this server should have link tracking enabled for links in their HTML or Text bodies.
clickHookUrl String URL to POST to when a unique click event occurs.
inboundDomain String Inbound domain for MX setup.
inboundSpamThreshold Number The maximum spam score for an inbound message before it’s blocked.


Lets you manage servers for a specific account.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
serverId Number ID of server.


Create a server for account.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
name String Name of server.
color Select Color of the server in the rack screen.
smtpApiActivated Select Specifies whether or not SMTP is enabled on this server.
rawEmailEnabled Select Enable raw email to be sent with inbound.
deliveryHookUrl String URL to POST to every time email is delivered.
inboundHookUrl String URL to POST to every time an inbound event occurs.
bounceHookUrl String URL to POST to every time a bounce event occurs.
includeBounceContentInHook Select Include bounce content in webhook.
openHookUrl String URL to POST to every time an open event occurs.
postFirstOpenOnly Select If set to true, only the first open by a particular recipient will initiate the open webhook. Any subsequent opens of the same email by the same recipient will not initiate the webhook.
trackOpens Select Indicates if all emails being sent through this server have open tracking enabled.
trackLinks Select Indicates if all emails being sent through this server should have link tracking enabled for links in their HTML or Text bodies.
clickHookUrl String URL to POST to when a unique click event occurs.
inboundDomain String Inbound domain for MX setup.
inboundSpamThreshold Number The maximum spam score for an inbound message before it’s blocked.


Update a server for account.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
serverId Number Id of the server.
name String Name of server.
color Select Color of the server in the rack screen.
smtpApiActivated Select Specifies whether or not SMTP is enabled on this server.
rawEmailEnabled Select Enable raw email to be sent with inbound.
deliveryHookUrl String URL to POST to every time email is delivered.
inboundHookUrl String URL to POST to every time an inbound event occurs.
bounceHookUrl String URL to POST to every time a bounce event occurs.
includeBounceContentInHook Select Include bounce content in webhook.
openHookUrl String URL to POST to every time an open event occurs.
postFirstOpenOnly Select If set to true, only the first open by a particular recipient will initiate the open webhook. Any subsequent opens of the same email by the same recipient will not initiate the webhook.
trackOpens Select Indicates if all emails being sent through this server have open tracking enabled.
trackLinks Select Indicates if all emails being sent through this server should have link tracking enabled for links in their HTML or Text bodies.
clickHookUrl String URL to POST to when a unique click event occurs.
inboundDomain String Inbound domain for MX setup.
inboundSpamThreshold Number The maximum spam score for an inbound message before it’s blocked.


List servers.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count String Number of servers to return per request.
offset Number Number of servers to skip.
name String Filter by a specific server name.


Outbound message search.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count Number Number of messages to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of messages to skip.
recipient String Filter by the user who was receiving the email.
fromEmail String Filter by the sender email address.
recipient String Filter by the user who was receiving the email.
tag String Filter by tag.
status Select Filter by status (queued or sent)
fromDate DatePicker Filter messages starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01
toDate DatePicker Filter messages up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Delete a server.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
serverId String Id of the server.


Get Outbound message details.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
messageId String Id of the message.


Get Outbound message dump.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
messageId String Id of the message.


Inbound message search.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count Number Number of messages to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of messages to skip.
recipient String Filter by the user who was receiving the email.
fromEmail String Filter by the sender email address.
recipient String Filter by the user who was receiving the email.
tag String Filter by tag.
status Select Filter by status. (blocked, processed, queued, failed, scheduled)
fromDate DatePicker Filter messages starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01
toDate DatePicker Filter messages up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Get Inbound message details.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
messageId String Id of the message.


Retry a failed inbound message for processing.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
messageId String Id of the message.


Bypass rules for a blocked inbound message.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
messageId String Id of the message.


Message opens.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count Number Number of message opens to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of messages to skip.
recipient String Filter by To, Cc, Bcc.
tag String Filter by tag.
clientName String Filter by client name, i.e. Outlook, Gmail.
clientCompany String Filter by company, i.e. Microsoft, Apple, Google.
clientFamily String Filter by client family, i.e. OS X, Chrome.
osName String Filter by full OS name and specific version, i.e. OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Windows 7.
osFamily String Filter by kind of OS used without specific version, i.e. OS X, Windows.
osCompany String Filter by company which produced the OS, i.e. Apple Computer, Inc., Microsoft Corporation.
platform String Filter by platform, i.e. webmail, desktop, mobile.
region String Filter by full name of region messages were opened in, i.e. Moscow, New York.
city String Filter by full name of city messages were opened in, i.e. Minneapolis, Philadelphia.


Opens for a single message.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
messageId String Id of the message.
count Number Number of message opens to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of messages to skip


Get click for message.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count Number Number of message opens to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of messages to skip.
recipient String Filter by To, Cc, Bcc.
tag String Filter by tag.
clientName String Filter by client name, i.e. Outlook, Gmail.
clientCompany String Filter by company, i.e. Microsoft, Apple, Google.
clientFamily String Filter by client family, i.e. OS X, Chrome.
osName String Filter by full OS name and specific version, i.e. OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Windows 7.
osFamily String Filter by kind of OS used without specific version, i.e. OS X, Windows.
osCompany String Filter by company which produced the OS, i.e. Apple Computer, Inc., Microsoft Corporation.
platform String Filter by platform, i.e. webmail, desktop, mobile.
region String Filter by full name of region messages were opened in, i.e. Moscow, New York.
city String Filter by full name of city messages were opened in, i.e. Minneapolis, Philadelphia.


Clicks for a single message .

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
messageId String Id of the message.
count Number Number of message opens to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of messages to skip


Gets a list of domains containing an overview of the domain and authentication status.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
count Number Number of records to return per request. Max 500.
offset Number Number of records to skip.


Gets all the details for a specific domain.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
domainId String Id of the domain.


Create a domain.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
name String Domain name.
returnPathDomain String A custom value for the Return-Path domain. It is an optional field, but it must be a subdomain of your From Email domain and must have a CNAME record that points to For more information about this field, please see more here.


Edit a domain.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
returnPathDomain String A custom value for the Return-Path domain. It is an optional field, but it must be a subdomain of your From Email domain and must have a CNAME record that points to For more information about this field, please see more here.
domainId String Id of the domain.


Delete a domain.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
domainId String Id of the domain.


Will query DNS for your domain and attempt to verify the SPF record contains the information for Postmark’s servers.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
domainId String Id of the domain.


Creates a new DKIM key to replace your current key. Until the new DNS entries are confirmed, the pending values will be in DKIMPendingHost and DKIMPendingTextValue fields. After the new DKIM value is verified in DNS, the pending values will migrate to DKIMTextValue and DKIMPendingTextValue and Postmark will begin to sign emails with the new DKIM key.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
domainId String Id of the domain.


Gets a list of sender signatures containing brief details associated with your account.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
count String Number of records to return per request. Max 500.
offset String Number of records to skip.


Gets all the details for a specific sender signature.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
signatureId String Id of the signature.


Create a signature.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
fromEmail String From email associated with sender signature.
name String From name associated with sender signature.
replyToEmail String Override for reply-to address.
returnPathDomain String A custom value for the Return-Path domain. It is an optional field, but it must be a subdomain of your From Email domain and must have a CNAME record that points to For more information about this field, please see more here.


Edit a signature.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
signatureId Number Id of the signature.
name String From name associated with sender signature.
replyToEmail String Override for reply-to address.
returnPathDomain String A custom value for the Return-Path domain. It is an optional field, but it must be a subdomain of your From Email domain and must have a CNAME record that points to For more information about this field, please see more here.


Delete a signature.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
signatureId Number Id of the signature.


Resend a confirmation.

Field Type Description
accountToken credentials This request requires account level privileges. Only accessible by the account owner, this token can be found on the Account tab of your Postmark account.
signatureId Number Id of the signature.


Gets a brief overview of statistics for all of your outbound email.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets a total count of emails you’ve sent out.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets total counts of emails you’ve sent out that have been returned as bounced.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets a total count of recipients who have marked your email as spam.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets a total count of emails you’ve sent with open tracking or link tracking enabled.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets total counts of recipients who opened your emails. This is only recorded when open tracking is enabled for that email.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets an overview of the platforms used to open your emails. This is only recorded when open tracking is enabled for that email.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets an overview of the email clients used to open your emails. This is only recorded when open tracking is enabled for that email.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets the length of time that recipients read emails along with counts for each time. This is only recorded when open tracking is enabled for that email. Read time tracking stops at 20 seconds, so any read times above that will appear in the 20s+ field.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets total counts of unique links that were clicked.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets an overview of the browser platforms used to open your emails. This is only recorded when Link Tracking is enabled for that email.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets an overview of the browsers used to open links in your emails. This is only recorded when Link Tracking is enabled for that email.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Gets an overview of which part of the email links were clicked from (HTML or Text). This is only recorded when Link Tracking is enabled for that email.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
tag String Filter by tag.
fromDate DatePicker Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-01-01
toDate DatePicker Filter stats up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Tags triggers let you activate special behavior when you send messages with a certain tag.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
matchName String Name of the tag that will activate this trigger.
trackOpens String Indicates if this trigger activates open tracking.


Get a single trigger.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
triggerId String Id of the trigger.


Edit a single trigger.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
matchName String Name of the tag that will activate this trigger.
trackOpens String Indicates if this trigger activates open tracking.
triggerId String Id of the trigger.


Delete a single trigger.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
triggerId String Id of the trigger.


Search triggers.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count Number Number of records to return per request.
offset Number Number of records to skip.
matchName String Filter by delivery tag.


Create an inbound rule trigger.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
rule String Email address (or domain) that you would like to block from sending.


Delete a single inbound trigger.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
triggerId String Id of the trigger.


List inbound rule triggers.

Field Type Description
serverToken credentials This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the Credentials tab under your Postmark server.
count String Number of records to return per request.
offset String Number of records to skip.
Abonnés : 1
Ressources :
Site Web du produit
Créateur d'API :
Rapid account: Dmitry Shumytskyi
Dmitry Shumytskyi
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Note : 5 - Votes : 1