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Par dodocr7 | Mise à jour 한 달 전 | Search

9.4 / 10



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Rapid account: Ghourton
한 달 전

Hi, we are evaluating using your API in a new implementation within the company… it would be approx 200.000 requests per month (at least) if everything goes well…

But we need the API to give us a little more information and I would like to see how feasible it is to add it for you, here is some info that would be very useful:
1.- Information about the status of the review response (response and date of response) 2.
2.- Language of the review

And in general all the information that can be added is very useful for us.

I remain attentive, thank you!

Rapid account: Dodocr 7
dodocr7 Commented 한 달 전

Hi ghourton

you can try New version released V2.5 with all those features

Rapid account: Dodocr 7
dodocr7 Commented 한 달 전

Hi ,

Yes i can add those informations for you , but it will take a little time to add those informations

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