Document OCR

Par VehicleInsights | Mise à jour 3 дня назад | Visual Recognition

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issue while uploading pdfs

Rapid account: 181260107021 Setice Mf 31 Jiciqv V
9 месяцев назад

why pdfs are not getting uploaded it is giving 400 status code

Rapid account: Joshinishi 293
joshinishi293 Commented 8 месяцев назад

in some passports why it is not capturing date of issue although it is fully visible

Rapid account: 181260107021 Setice Mf 31 Jiciqv V
181260107021setice-mf31JiciqvV Commented 9 месяцев назад

Okay Thank you

Rapid account: Dominonet L Tp EE 6 Z O Ne S
dominonet-lTpEE6zONeS Commented 9 месяцев назад

It is recommended to convert the PDF into an image file format for text extraction.

Rapid account: Dominonet L Tp EE 6 Z O Ne S
dominonet-lTpEE6zONeS Commented 9 месяцев назад

The “Document OCR” API doesn’t support PDFs

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