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Limit in SalesNav endpoint

Rapid account: Vishal D A Cj Ew B 9 O
vor 2 Monaten

Hello, is there any limit to use SalesNav endpoint? Can you provide the restrictions, and the credits that is charged per search? Could you also help me understand if pagination is also counted as 1 search?

Rapid account: Chinhquy 111
chinhquy111 Commented vor 2 Monaten

Let me address your points:

  1. Yes, using the Search Employees Endpoint will take 50 credits.
  2. Using the Get Search Results Endpoint will be charged only if there are more than 1 result/profile.
  3. Regarding the timing, using the Search Employees Endpoint to initiate a search will take less than 1 second. We need about 1 hour to complete scraping all the profiles that are returned from your search. The timing depends on how many profiles are returned from your search. Additionally, it takes from a few minutes to 1 hour.
  4. There is no limit to using this endpoint. You can initiate more than a hundred searches. It normally can complete thousands of searches per day.
Rapid account: Vishal D A Cj Ew B 9 O
vishal-dACjEwB9O Commented vor 2 Monaten

Please provide me some clarifications:

  1. The POST Search Employees endpoint will cost 50 credits?
  2. Using this request id, I can use GET Search Results
    request_id: ‘dd1b29063de8927b31fa523d36432b61’,
    page: ‘1’
  3. If this page has 25 results, then I will be charged 12.5 credits. So using GET Search Results will be charged only if this page has any scraped profile data right?

What do you mean by timing? Do you mean Step 1 to generate a search request id can take upto an 1 hour?

Is there a limit to use this endpoint for day? Can I generate 500 requests ids or more in a day using search employees endpoint?

Rapid account: Chinhquy 111
chinhquy111 Commented vor 2 Monaten

Please take a look at the description of the endpoint:

How the Process Works:

Step 1: Initiate Search
Launch your search with specific criteria via a dedicated endpoint. Upon request, you’ll receive a unique “request_id” enabling continuous status checks in Step 2. Each search request deducts 50 credits from your account.

Step 2: Monitor Search Progress
Utilize the Check Search Status endpoint to keep tabs on your search’s progress. This action is entirely complimentary.

Step 3: Retrieve Results
With your search complete, access the results through the Get Search Result endpoint. Retrieving each profile incurs a nominal fee of 0.5 credits. For instance, accessing 100 results consumes 50 credits.

Additional Information:

Timing: Searches are generally concluded within a few minutes, although some may extend up to 1 hours. For optimal efficiency, submit all your searches concurrently, allowing the API to process them within a 1 -hour window.

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