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Requests failing with error 502

Rapid account: Neptunai 1
vor 4 Monaten

Hello, since today we have the problem, that all requests are failing with a 502 error after a while. Could you please check this?

Rapid account: Neptunai 1
neptunai1 Commented vor 4 Monaten

It worked for some time quite well, but now the API is completely down again.

Rapid account: Gatzuma
gatzuma Commented vor 4 Monaten

It should work from now, still there might be some lag with answers, etc. We are starting new pods, this time with new hosting provider to have better coverage in case of such problems.

Rapid account: Neptunai 1
neptunai1 Commented vor 4 Monaten


Rapid account: Gatzuma
gatzuma Commented vor 4 Monaten

Hey, there global outage with our hosting provider, already working on the problem, it’s critical and might get us up to 12 hours to resolve

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