Words to numbers

Par Giordano Alberti | Mise à jour 2 mesi fa | Other
Health Check


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502 Gateway Errors

Rapid account: Twkirumba
2 anni fa

Now and then I get a 502 error on the Words2Numbers gateway. Please look into the uptime, I’m subscribed to premium and need it to have minimal outages which has not been the case

Rapid account: Giordano 0 Alberti E 50 D 9 3 Izc S
giordano0alberti-e50D9-3izcS Commented 2 anni fa

The issue should be fixed, let me know if you have any other issues

Rapid account: Giordano 0 Alberti E 50 D 9 3 Izc S
giordano0alberti-e50D9-3izcS Commented 2 anni fa

Hi, I’ll look into it

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