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I am getting an error that says fetchData.js:11 GET https://exercisedb.p.rapidapi.com/exercises/bodyPartList 403 (Forbidden)

When I call the get method using fetch I get this error. I placed the key in .env then again in the options but both approaches generated the same error. Any one can help ?

Rapid account: Vjzest
vjzest Commented 2ヶ月前

GET https://seditious-api.p.rapidapi.com/tree_input 403 (Forbidden)
{message: ‘You are not subscribed to this API.’}

I am doing all possible condition but it cann’t corrected please help me

Rapid account: Saumyajajodia
saumyajajodia Commented 1年前

“This seems like a common error when you have you .env file stored in src instead of root of your project. Try moving it and then restarting your server. That should work.”

It worked for me

Rapid account: Nagoriayan 07
nagoriayan07 Commented 2年前

using jsm video and me also getting same error

Rapid account: Abbasabdallah 97
abbasabdallah97 Commented 2年前

I realized that I should subscribe to the free subscription of the API before being able to benefit from the link.

Rapid account: Rickyvirmani
rickyvirmani Commented 2年前

“This seems like a common error when you have you .env file stored in src instead of root of your project. Try moving it and then restarting your server. That should work.”

It worked for me

Rapid account: Zzshibbu
zzshibbu Commented 2年前

Same error

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