Large text to speech

Par k_1 | Mise à jour hace 7 días | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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I've subscribed to the PRO plan, but the resposne said Subscribe to the pro plan

Rapid account: Kimwetzl
hace un año

I’ve already subscribed to the PRO plan,
The response of get Request is:

“message”: “You have exceeded the rate limit per second for your plan, PRO, by the API provider”

After hitting the get request, the eta always shows a fix number, it was working fine on trial version, but after upgrading it is not returing audio URL!
Even in the API playground, it is not working fine after upgrading ?‍♂️?‍♂️

Rapid account: K 1
k_1 Commented hace un año


regarding the rate limit issue, its set for 1 request per second, please check your code, or feel free to share it privately, that you are not exceeding this limit.

Regarding your other problem of ETA staying the same, we have briefly encountered issues in processing that caused this problem.
This is resolved now and we are taking steps to prevent it in the future.

Sorry for the trouble, please check again and let us know if you have any problems.
I am also sending you private message, where we can discuss details further, if needed.

Thank you,

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