Customisable QR Code Generator with insane graphics

Par Kodacode | Mise à jour a month ago | Tools
Health Check



Customizable QR Code Generator with insane graphics API Documentation

Give life to your QR Code with colors and custom graphics. Forget the dull black and white QR Code and start using the Customisable QR Code Generator to create a better connection with your customers.

Table of contents

  1. Supported QR Code payloads
  2. About the API
  3. Simple QR Code - The good, old black and white
  4. Simple QR Code - Colored
  5. Themed QR Code - coming soon
  6. Custom themed QR Code
  7. Logo Support

1. Supported QR Code payloads

At the moment, the following QR Code payloads are supported:

  1. URL (non-trackable)
  2. WiFi Access (non-trackable - coming soon)
  3. URL (trackable, tracking info available via API - coming soon)
  4. URL (trackable, tracking available via UI Dashboard, accessible with a user registered via the API - coming soon)
  5. Logo support (coming soon)
  6. Themed frames (coming soon)
  7. Send e-mail (address, subject, content prefill - coming soon)
  8. Send SMS
  9. Google maps location (lat, lng, alt - coming soon)
  10. App Store link (coming soon)
  11. Play Store link (coming soon)

2. About the API

The API is simple yet versatile.
It consumes application/json payloads and returns base64 encoded images.
CORS might not work properly in Safari; the best way to use this API is from a server.

3. Simple QR Code - The good, old black and white

It’s super easy to create a simple, black and white QR Code.
Use the POST-/public/generate-simple-qr-code endpoint
Add the minimum required QR Code options

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 20,
  "codeWidth": 200,
  "codeHeight": 200

The API returns the QR Code as a base64 string.

4. Simple QR Code - Colored

Use the POST-/public/generate-simple-qr-code endpoint
Reusing the payload for the simple, black and white QR Code, you can add coloring options

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colors": {
    "eyes": "#ff6388",
    "eyeTopLeft": "#176e2e",
    "eyeTopRight": "#a86d79",
    "eyeBottomLeft": "#02172f",
    "singleSquare": "#284ba2",
    "oneByTwoColumn": "#074de7",
    "oneByTwoRow": "#c907e7",
    "oneByThreeColumn": "#029f8f",
    "oneByThreeRow": "#7b7d32",
    "oneByFourColumn": "#b16b1d",
    "oneByFourRow": "#ea881c",
    "twoByThreeColumn": "#afad33",
    "twoByThreeRow": "#325678",
    "twoByTwoSquare": "#770e0e"

The API returns the QR Code as a base64 string

You can also use the singleSquare option in the colors options or use the colorDark setting to create a mono-color QR Code (other than black)

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colors": {
    "singleSquare": "#284ba2"


  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colorDark": "#284ba2"

You can color one eye.

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colors": {
    "eyeTopLeft": "#176e2e",
    "singleSquare": "#ff6388"

Or all eyes (in different colors if you want)

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colors": {
    "eyeTopLeft": "#176e2e",
    "eyeTopRight": "#a86d79",
    "eyeBottomLeft": "#02172f",
    "singleSquare": "#284ba2"

Any colors combination is valid as long as you provide a value for the singleSquare property. You can be as creative as it gets.

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 40,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colors": {
    "eyes": "#325678",
    "eyeTopLeft": "#3f5668",
    "eyeTopRight": "#025658",
    "eyeBottomLeft": "#325648",
    "singleSquare": "#f25638",
    "oneByTwoColumn": "#3a5628",
    "oneByTwoRow": "#a25618",
    "oneByThreeColumn": "#325608",
    "oneByThreeRow": "#325578",
    "oneByFourColumn": "#324678",
    "oneByFourRow": "#325378",
    "twoByThreeRow": "#322678",
    "twoByThreeColumn": "#325178",
    "twoByTwoSquare": "#325078"

The default style of the QR Code squares is squared, but the style can be controlled via the style property (squared and rounded are supported).
The rounded style has support for the eyes, single square and two by two squares with everything else defaulting to single square style

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colorLight": "#ffffff",
  "style": "rounded",
  "colors": {
    "eyes": "#ff6388",
    "eyeTopLeft": "#176e2e",
    "eyeTopRight": "#a86d79",
    "eyeBottomLeft": "#02172f",
    "singleSquare": "#284ba2",
    "twoByTwoSquare": "#770e0e"

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "colorLight": "#ffffff",
  "style": "rounded",
  "colors": {
    "eyes": "#ff6388",
    "eyeTopLeft": "#176e2e",
    "eyeTopRight": "#a86d79",
    "eyeBottomLeft": "#02172f",
    "singleSquare": "#284ba2"

5. Themed QR Code - coming soon

6. Custom themed QR Code

You can use the materials property to add URLs to publicly available png images with assets that will become part of the QR Code for the custom-themed QR code.
Use the POST-/public/generate-simple-qr-code endpoint

The minimal request body options are

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "materials": {
     "singleSquare": "",

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 50,
  "codeWidth": 400,
  "codeHeight": 400,
  "materials": {
    "border": "",
    "eyes": "",
    "eyeTopLeft": "",
    "eyeTopRight": "",
    "eyeBottomLeft": "",
    "singleSquare": "",
    "oneByTwoColumn": "",
    "oneByTwoRow": "",
    "oneByThreeColumn": "",
    "oneByThreeRow": "",
    "oneByFourColumn": "",
    "oneByFourRow": "",
    "twoByThreeRow": "",
    "twoByThreeColumn": "",
    "twoByTwoSquare": ""

Asset specifications


The eyes don’t need to be square; they can be round or any other shape if the colored ratios are correct.
When you read the QR Code eye from left to right, the ratios must be 1,1,3,1,1. For the example image, this means Red1, White1, Red3, White1, Red1.
The same rule must be correct when you read the eye top to bottom. As long as this rule is satisfied, the API will correctly generate the QR Code.

Other valid eye examples

####See full asset specs bellow (sizes in pixels, you can use any size as long as the aspect ratio is maintained)

Download the high-resolution template here

7. Logo support

To add a logo to your QR code, use the logoUrl property.
The logo must fit in a square.
The logo width will always be 6 or 7 modules (squares) based on the QR Code size.

  "payload": "",
  "padding": 10,
  "codeWidth": 200,
  "codeHeight": 200,
  "colorLight": "#ffffff",
  "style": "squared",
  "logoUrl": "",
  "colors": {
    "eyes": "#ff6388",
    "eyeTopLeft": "#176e2e",
    "eyeTopRight": "#a86d79",
    "eyeBottomLeft": "#02172f",
    "singleSquare": "#284ba2",
    "oneByTwoColumn": "#074de7",
    "oneByTwoRow": "#c907e7",
    "oneByThreeColumn": "#029f8f",
    "oneByThreeRow": "#7b7d32",
    "oneByFourColumn": "#b16b1d",
    "oneByFourRow": "#ea881c",
    "twoByThreeColumn": "#afad33",
    "twoByThreeRow": "#325678",
    "twoByTwoSquare": "#770e0e"

Abonnés : 1
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Rapid account: Kodacode
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