Real-Time Amazon Data

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No Reviews coming

Rapid account: Fpm 20 Mahesh

I requeted but found no product reviews and got the following reponse
This ASIN has more than 900 reviews and I want to fetch reviews posted in last two years. Can you help reolve the issue. I am using API in R

[1] “{“status”:“OK”,“request_id”:“d4bf45e3-7a24-4d2f-abe5-8ed7a5a3a662”,“data”:{“asin”:“B00EU6TXC6”,“total_reviews”:0,“total_ratings”:5374,“country”:“IN”,“domain”:“”,“reviews”:[]}}”

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented 25日前

Hi there,

I saw that you are querying with page=50. It seems like Amazon changed behavior and only allows fetching the first 10 pages of reviews without any filtering or search query. The API probably behaves the same for the same reason. Here’s a screenshot of the last review page on, notice that there’s no option to go to the next page -

You can try to use search and filters (star rating, etc) to get a higher review coverage (query with rating=1, rating=2, …, rating=5 + different queries). Can that work for you?

Thank you,

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented 1ヶ月前

Hi there,

Thank you for your message.

The issue should be resolved now. Is it working for you?

Thank you,
Adam @ OpenWeb Ninja

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