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Error in variations

Rapid account: Ferke Commerce
месяц назад

Hello how are you?
You know that the product with the asin B0BPRN6MN9 does not have colors but on Amazon it does have colors.

Thank you!

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented месяц назад


We deployed an improvement to the variations matching algorithm that should solve this case. For me, the product with asin B0BPRN6MN9 now includes the “model” variation, which I guess is what you meant. Is it working for you now?

Thank you,
Adam @ OpenWeb Ninja

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented месяц назад

Hi there,

Thank you for your message and for letting us know about this case.

We are looking into it and will update once fixed.

Thank you,
Adam @ OpenWeb Ninja

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