Linkedin BULK data scraper

Par EZ | Mise à jour 19 hours ago | Data

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Person Data

Rapid account: Bahir
a month ago

I am trying to query the Person Data API for posts of a user. However, the results I get don’t have post content - only postLink - and even then it only gets featured posts. Not other posts. I have tried several examples.

Why is this? The example response for this endpoint you have provided gets the user posts correctly…

An example profile I wasn’t able to get user posts for:

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented a month ago

I have just testimg this endpoint and is working very fine.You can make multiple requests to that endpoint. Number of concurrent requests depends upon your subscription plan

Rapid account: Bahir
bahir Commented a month ago

Are you referring to:

Please confirm?

If yes, is it possible to get posts from multiple profiles in one go from this API?

Rapid account: Bahir
bahir Commented a month ago

There is no PERSON POSTS endpoint? Can you specify which one you are referring to?

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented a month ago

Just tried scraping posts for using “PERSON POSTS (WITH PAGINATION)” edpoint and it worked well.

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