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Person Posts endpoint reactions

Rapid account: Messidimo
18일 전

The person posts endpoint does not retrieve reactions, only posts, comments, reposts. Is there an option for reactions for this endpoint?


Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented 10일 전

post reactions are not included in any of above endpoints. you’ll get reactionsUrn in each of them, pass it to POST REACTIONS endpoint to get reactions

Rapid account: Messidimo
messidimo Commented 13일 전

None of person updates (With Pagination), Person Posts (BETA) or Person Recent Activity (Comments) returns any posts reactions in all of the data.

No results with [“header”][“headerText”] : “{name} reacted to this”

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented 15일 전

Try Person Updates ( With Pagination ) Endpoint

Rapid account: Messidimo
messidimo Commented 16일 전

Both the person recent activity endpoint and person posts endpoint are not returning reactions of persons, only posts, comments and/or reposts.

I understand that post reactions returns all reactons for a specific post but non of the person endpoints return posts person reacted to.

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented 17일 전

Endpoint returns reactionsUrn, pass it to “Post Reactions” endpoint to get reactions

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