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Progress on TV episode OTT link feature

Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
2 years ago
Hi, is there any progress or ETA on the feature of providing OTT links for individual episodes of a TV series?

Secondly, are all Apple TV series present in this API? Doesn't seem so as per the discussion here:
Rapid account: Cevatbarisyilmaz
cevatbarisyilmaz Commented 2 years ago

Hi, yes planning to revise the pricing after releasing the support for episode links.

Yes, the streaming info for episodes will include links to all supported services, similar to how it is for movie/series streaming availability information now.

Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
sandhyaneer1 Commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot! Will the pricing be revised after inclusion of OTT details for episodes? Will that also include different providers based on markets, i.e. episode 1 of Game of Thrones may be available on HBO in one market, but on Hulu in another market, and hence that episode should include details of both platforms on basis of market?

Rapid account: Cevatbarisyilmaz
cevatbarisyilmaz Commented 2 years ago

Hi, ETA for links for episodes is the end of July.

Yes, the issue with Apple TV+ is fixed.

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