Facebook Marketplace

Par ProductBot | Mise à jour 3달 전 | eCommerce

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API not working?

Rapid account: Dablodv 99
일 년 전

Hi, i’ve been trying to make some test requests both in the “test endpoint” section in the webpage and with the code snippet for Python as provided. I noticed that the info returned is always the same, no matter if the city, product, or category listed are changed. Will the API be fixed?

Thank you

Rapid account: Delfantebrock N BGX 2 Auxzq C
delfantebrock-nBGX2auxzqC Commented 6달 전

Im having the same issue. Is the API going to be operational at all again? A facebook marketplace bot would also be helpful if not.

Rapid account: Thetechguy 32744
thetechguy32744 Commented 7달 전

Hey dablodv99, I can help you with the development of a FB Marketplace Bot. Let’s connect and discuss

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