Abracadabra Recommender Systems

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How we can use additional API methods

Rapid account: Geraldcy
6 years ago

Hi abracadabra team!

I have following questions:

  1. I wont to use following API calls(from this documentation https://www.abracadabra-recommender.com/docs/improve-your-recommender-model):
    /get/subjects </br>
    /get/users </br>
    /get/subject </br>
    /get/user </br>
    /delete/subject </br>
    /delete/user </br>
    How I can use that methods?
  2. In your system works only “Content-based filtering” for getting results. I wont to use “Collaborative filtering” but API gives response message
    "Sorry we are updating the collaborative filtering recommender. Please use ‘hybrid’ or ‘content’ instead. Expected ETA for ‘social’: end of May 2017".
    When the “Collaborative filtering” will implement?
  3. I want to get recommendation list with 10 elements but API gives all data. How can I get it?

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