TikTok API

Par Omar M'Haimdat | Mise à jour 17 дней назад | Data

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Video download_url

Rapid account: Ishiadv
месяц назад

Hi, I am using your other APIs and I like this API too.

By the way, videos can’t be downloaded from download_url while picures can be downloaded from the url API got.

In previous discussion, I know instant downloading is necessary, and I tried but I couldn’t download the video.

Do you have any ideas for downloading?

I appreciate your help.

Rapid account: Omarmhaimdat
omarmhaimdat Commented месяц назад


Very happy you were able to download videos!


Rapid account: Ishiadv
ishiadv Commented месяц назад

I found both of tt_chain_token and msToken can got from your recent api, and finally succeeded in downloading.
Thank you for support.

Rapid account: Ishiadv
ishiadv Commented месяц назад

Thank you for very helpful example. I am getting close to the goal.

I only used “User’s Videos / continuation” api and I didn’t find the response output of tt_chain_token.
However, I now found tt_chain_token can be got from the response of “Video Details” api.

Where can I get msToken from your api?
Should I get it in web browser manually ?

Sorry for additional question.

I appreciate your help.

Rapid account: Omarmhaimdat
omarmhaimdat Commented месяц назад


You can use the download_url or the unwatermarked version in combination with the provided cookies in the video response.

Here’s a curl example:

curl --location ‘https://v16-webapp-prime.tiktok.com/video/tos/maliva/tos-maliva-ve-0068c799-us/owtS3YgUNAIJifd9QzRkTVBhohDSfEwhSpHUWF/?a=1988&bti=ODszNWYuMDE6&ch=0&cr=3&dr=0&lr=tiktok_m&cd=0|0|1|&cv=1&br=7830&bt=3915&cs=0&ds=3&ft=4fUEKMzm8Zmo0da5F-4jV2PHZpWrKsd.&mime_type=video_mp4&qs=0&rc=N2Y2ZGhmOzczOGQ1OjVoNkBpanJwNzg6ZnU8azMzZzczNEA2YGFgYzQyXy8xMzUzLjE1YSNkL3E2cjRnczZgLS1kMS9zcw%3D%3D&btag=e00088000&expire=1711582713&l=202403271738158E79B4F75E520A3D433B&ply_type=2&policy=2&signature=4fa8461ac303855643557114f47e0cb1&tk=tt_chain_token
–header ‘Cookie: msToken=Zh6sN9szMIJuzJh597Hqiw8JmwxaHjoJoFIvnwmqtBnnK9PHAslf6pIptr0KbXDccPaMWPbX-ZzVJaD-0wn-IRCRp7yBHRb24Ry6Tv-NXdZvrLs0VK0TC5_ZjZAKcmsZgX21Fjxxz9GMs-87PQ==; tt_chain_token=8fZZGut3DLXgSfkILTtgEg==’
–header ‘Referer: https://www.tiktok.com/

Please make sure to provide the proper referer and cookies.


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