OpenCritic API

Par OpenCritic | Mise à jour 2ヶ月前 | Gaming

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Disable automated emails / limit is far too low for Basic tier

Rapid account: Video Chums

Many people use OpenCritic’s API to benefit OpenCritic so charging them to use the API is quite counterintuitive.

With that out of the way, only 25 searches per day is far too low so whenever I run my simple tool that checks to see if specific games are now listed on OpenCritic, I get 2 emails: 1 telling me that I reached 85% of my quota and another telling me that I reached 100%. Both emails use language with the sole intention of pressuring me to pay for the API; essentially, if I keep running out of uses, I may be blocked or charged overage fees.

Is there any way to disable these automated emails? I can’t seem to find any links in the emails themselves or in my settings.

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