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Cannot login with the new sentence

Rapid account: Negimarto 2
vor 10 Jahren


I cannot login with neither android nor IOS with the next sentences:

#define HEADERS_UNIREST @{@“X-Mashape-Key”: @“Fyhoi2RzKTmshY4CvCrHKOfxUxuXp1oCIRkjsnb6wRyc0xQq28”}
NSDictionary* headers = HEADERS_UNIREST;
NSDictionary* parameters = @{};
UNIUrlConnection *asyncConnection = [[UNIRest get:^(UNISimpleRequest *request) {
[request setUrl:@“”];
[request setHeaders:headers];
[request setUsername:@“UTRivxRKxLDFqRXUA9y”];
[request setPassword:@“Du4uaCNH6.70DCV8DZgR.eyDSVe0XWYsSftyxkLfce/hJJAn8tzpy”];
}] asJsonAsync:^(UNIHTTPJsonResponse *response, NSError *error) {
NSInteger code = response.code;
NSDictionary *responseHeaders = response.headers;
UNIJsonNode *body = response.body;
NSData *rawBody = response.rawBody;

HttpResponse<JsonNode> request = null;

request = Unirest.get(“").header("X-Mashape-Key”, “Fyhoi2RzKTmshY4CvCrHKOfxUxuXp1oCIRkjsnb6wRyc0xQq28”).basicAuth(“UTRivxRKxLDFqRXUA9y”, “Du4uaCNH6.70DCV8DZgR.eyDSVe0XWYsSftyxkLfce/hJJAn8tzpy”).asJson();

boolean exito = request.getBody().getObject().getBoolean(“success”);

What´s wrong with this =’(

Rapid account: Passkitadmin
passkitadmin Commented vor 10 Jahren

The issue appears to be that you are using your PassKit API credentials to access the Mashape API.

Please pair your PassKit account with your Mashape account (see instructions under Authentucation), then use your Mashape credentials in your requests.

Rapid account: Marto
marto Commented vor 10 Jahren


Whats up with mashape, it is still broken?

Rapid account: Passkit
passkit Commented vor 10 Jahren

We are experiencing problems with the changes made to Mashape. The recent changes have broken the authentication between Mashpae and our API. We are working with Mashape to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Rapid account: Negimarto 2
negimarto2 Commented vor 10 Jahren

It gives me a 401 error…

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