Canada Holidays

Par Paul Craig | Mise à jour vor 3 Monaten | Events

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Family Day missing

Rapid account: Jjtagh
vor 3 Jahren
Hi Paul,

I just noticed the API is missing the Family Day holiday in February!

Rapid account: Pcraig 3
pcraig3 Commented vor 2 Jahren

Hey dude, sorry I missed your message(s). I get emails from RapidAPI whenever someone opens an issue, but not when someone responds to one, so I missed both of your responses.

I just checked BC and I do return both of the holidays: if it’s not coming through RapidAPI then you can try the real API response here:

Rapid account: Jjtagh
jjtagh Commented vor 3 Jahren

That’s weird - I see Family Day Feb 21, 2022 on your gov.bc link, but it doesn’t come through in my call, and I just noticed the August BC Day long weekend also doesn’t pull. The rest are there when I call the API. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

Rapid account: Pcraig 3
pcraig3 Commented vor 3 Jahren


For which province?

I have tried to keep up to date with what provinces observe which holidays (not all of them officially give Family Day as a day off), but it might have been updated in the meanwhile.

(Here’s my list of sources if you’re interested:

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