MLS Router

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How to Build a Real Estate App with MLS Router API?

RapidAPI hub is an ideal place to find real estate APIs. One of the most feature-rich APIs for the real estate IDX web development is MLS Router.

Why MLS Router?
As suggested by the name, MLS Router is an API service that consolidates real estate data into one single API which can be used for developing state-of-the-art real estate apps and platforms.
Check out the following video to find out more:

In this article, we are going to show you how to set up your app using this powerful API:

**Sign up for the API **
Sign up for the demo data here:

Once you received your API key, you can follow the steps below:

For Android:
Step 1. Add RealtyFeedSDK to your project
There are two ways to add the RealtyFeedSDK into your project:

A) Add RealtyFeedSDK from the gradle

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.realtyna:RealtyFeedSDK-Android:0.0.2'

B) Download the RealtyFeedSDK latest release from Github and add it as local library
Step 2. Add the RealtyFeedSDK Initialization Code
Add the RealtyFeedSDK initialization code to App.kt.

class App : MultiDexApplication() {
	override fun onCreate() {
		RealtyFeedSDK.initial("YOUR-API-KEY", "YOUR-RAPID-API-KEY")

Make sure to import the RealtyFeedSDK header:

import com.realtyna.realtyfeedsdk.RealtyFeedSDK
import com.realtyna.realtyfeedsdk.API

YOUR-API-KEY with your RealtyFeedSDK API Key.
YOUR-RAPID-API-KEY with your Rapid API Key.

Now you can call RealtyFeedSDK APIs anywhere of your project,
Get Listings list

API.instance.getListings { result, error ->
			Log.d("Done", result)

Get Property detail

API.instance.getProperty("P_5dba1fb94aa4055b9f29691f") { result, error ->
	Log.d("Done", result)

For iOS
Step 1. Add RealtyFeedSDK to your project.
There are two ways to add the RealtyFeedSDK into your project:

A) Add RealtyFeedSDK from the xcode package manager via its github URL
B) Download the RealtyFeedSDK latest release from Github and add it as local package

Step 2. Add the RealtyFeedSDK Initialization Code
Add the RealtyFeedSDK initialization code to didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. Make sure to import the RealtyFeedSDK header:

import RealtyFeedSDK

YOUR-API-KEY with your RealtyFeedSDK API Key.
YOUR-RAPID-API-KEY with your Rapid API Key.

Now you can call RealtyFeedSDK APIs anywhere of your project,

Get Listings list

RealtyFeedSDK.API.instance.getListings(receiver: { data, error in
	guard let data = data, let res = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else {
		print("Failed to load listings!")
	print("Done! \(res)"

Get Property detail

RealtyFeedSDK.API.instance.getProperty("P_5dba1fb94aa4055b9f29691f",receiver: { data, error in
	guard let data = data, let res = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else {
		print("Failed to load property!")
	print("Done! \(res)"

How to Learn More About the MLS Router
You can find more information and request a demo key here:

Link to the documentation:

SDK for Android:

SDK for iOS: