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subscribe to plan error

Rapid account: Nftpricefloor
2 года назад

Hi there, I’m subscribed to the Mega plan and i wanted to decrease it to the ultra one but im getting always a payment error:

**An error occurred with your payment. Please try entering your credit card details again.

I tried with more than one credit card and still not working.
We tried to unsubscribe (we got the email with the confirmation) to try if that works but no luck.

Can you please reach us out ASAP since we need this service and today is the last day.


Rapid account: Felipefira
felipefira Commented 2 месяца назад

I have the same problem

Rapid account: Restyler
restyler Commented год назад

RapidApi throws payment errors in a lot of cases. If you are sure that your card should be working fine, I recommend to subscribe to ScrapeNinja on APIRoad marketplace instead:

Rapid account: Vigneswaranbe 2010
vigneswaranbe2010 Commented год назад

Hi i also have same proplem…i am trying ultra

Rapid account: Restyler
restyler Commented год назад

for ultra+ plans it is possible to pay via crypto and ACH/SEPA direct transfer (from business bank account), drop me a message

Rapid account: Xapads
Xapads Commented год назад

I have mailed them and remind them but still not getting response from them, how can i make the payment as i am getting the same error.

An error occurred with your payment. Please try entering your credit card details again.

Rapid account: Restyler
restyler Commented 2 года назад

I have contacted them and payments should work as expected now. Let me know if they are not 😃


Rapid account: Restyler
restyler Commented 2 года назад

hi! I think this is an issue with RapidAPI please try to contact them at
I will try to contact them as well…

Rapid account: Jgobbesso U 2 H Jey Yu Yq
jgobbesso-u2HJey-yuYq Commented 2 года назад

Hello, I have the same problem 😦

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