CLIA Lab Search

Par SieDar Studios | Mise à jour 2 months ago | Medical
Health Check


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API Overview Tutorial

This API is organized around REST calls. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes and verbs.

The API only receives GET requests that queries on any of the following categories:
provider_number - The CLIA lab provider number (e.g. 01D0027083)
facility - The formal name of the laboratory (e.g. SAMPLE-1)
address - The mailing address (e.g. 1 SAMPLE DRIVE)
address2 - The second line of a mailing address (e.g. Attn: Joe Smith)
city_name - City (e.g. Chicago)
state_code - State (e.g.CA)
zip_code - Zip code (e.g. 35810)
phone_number - Telephone number (e.g. 5555555555)
type - CLIA certification (e.g. Waiver)
general_facility_type - Facility type (e.g. Hospital)
expiration_date - Expiration date (e.g. 20220831)

All characteristics are varchar
Use “%20” to accommodate spaces in queries (e.g. ?city_name=palm%20springs

The general GETrequest is made using the following format using javascript.

[https base url] ? [category] = [value]

For example:

The GET method queries the facility category for the value of SAMPLE-1. The resulting JSON is
“provider_number”: “0000000001”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-1”,
“address”: “1 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY1”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”

Multiple values can be queried using the following arrangement:
[ http base url ] ? [ category ] = [ value 1 ],[ value 2 ],[ value 3 ]

For example:,SAMPLE-2,SAMPLE-3

“provider_number”: “0000000001”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-1”,
“address”: “1 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY1”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”
“provider_number”: “0000000002”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-2”,
“address”: “2 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY2”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”
“provider_number”: “0000000003”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-3”,
“address”: “3 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY3”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”

Multiple categories can be queried by adding “&” between each category using the following arrangement:

[ http base url ] ? [ category 1 ] = [ value ] & [ category 2 ] = [ value ]

“provider_number”: “0000000001”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-1”,
“address”: “1 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY1”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”
“provider_number”: “0000000002”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-2”,
“address”: “2 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY2”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”

Multiple categories and values can be combined to perform specific queries using the following arrangement:
[ http base url ] ? [ category 1 ] = [ value 1 ], [value 2] & [ category 2 ] = [ value 1 ], [ value 2 ]


“provider_number”: “0000000001”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-1”,
“address”: “1 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY1”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”
“provider_number”: “0000000002”,
“facility”: “SAMPLE-2”,
“address”: “2 SAMPLE Drive”,
“address2”: “”,
“city_name”: “SAMPLE_CITY2”,
“state_code”: “NA”,
“zip_code”: “00001”,
“phone_number”: “5555555555”,
“type”: “Sample Accreditation”,
“general_facility_type”: “Hospital”,
“expiration_date”: “SAMPLEDATE”

The queries allow results that target specific laboratories.

For all labs in the state of Alabama:

For all labs in the state of Alabama with CLIA certification waivers:

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