Logo Recognition

Par SmartClick | Mise à jour 한 달 전 | Visual Recognition

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Logo and Brand Recognition

This API is a combination of logo detection and logo recognition technologies. The API first detects any part of the image that looks like a logo. As a second step, it compares all detected logos to existing logo samples in an internal database, thus returning the name of the brand, if it finds a match.
It uses computer vision technology and a constantly growing database of logos to find matches.
By analyzing as few as 3-5 examples of a new logo, it can detect and recognize similarities with high accuracy.

Image Analysis and Results

Analyze any image using our technology to detect and recognize logos with maximum accuracy.

Input type

For the input image, the following extensions are supported: JPG , JPEG , and PNG . The maximum image size is 1920x1080.

Result example

For responses with 200 HTTP code (success status response), the type of response is JSON object with the following schema:

'coordinate': [840.0, 265.0, 1020.0, 321.0
'possible_brands': [{'name': 'SmartClick', 'score': 0.9
'coordinate': [793.0, 236.0, 840.0, 323.0
'possible_brands': [{'name': 'SmartClick', 'score': 0.9
'coordinate': [722.0, 748.0, 760.0, 896.0
'possible_brands': [{'name': 'SmartClick', 'score': 0.9

Result interpretation

The output returns the coordinates of all detected logos in an image and names of the brands if they are found in the database. If a logo is detected, but doesn’t exist in the database of known logo, the API returns ‘'possible_brands'’ as an empty list.

Possible errors

While analyzing your content, you may encounter the errors listed below:

  • 400 - Bad Request
  • 404 - Not Found
  • 408 - Request Timeout
  • 415 - Unsupported Media Type
  • 422 - Unprocessable Entity
  • 500 - Internal Server Error
  • 501 - Not Implemented
  • 502 - Bad Gateway
  • 503 - Service Unavailable
  • 504 - Gateway Timeout
    In case of any errors, please send the details to this email: info@smartclick.ai.

Why SmartClick?

We strive to deliver the highest quality of our services to help companies streamline their business processes, improve operational efficiency and maximize profits. To help companies respond to a fast-changing business environment, we offer fully customizable solutions that are more efficient and adaptable to specific business needs and budgets.


Contact us:
📩 Email: info@smartclick.ai


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