Rewriter/Paraphraser/Text Changer (Multi-Language)

Par Smodin | Mise à jour 22 дня назад | Text Analysis

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Avoid spinning html tags

Rapid account: Island
2 года назад

I’ve tried to spin articles in html format, but the api rewrite not just the sentences but also the html tags, is there a way to avoid rewriting html tags?
Thank you

Rapid account: Ksiudek
ksiudek Commented 2 года назад

@smodin can u explain, in API we have change to ignore html tags?

On web wersion when im try rewrite HTML in Polish:

<ul style=“text-align: justify;”> sample test

AI change “text-aling” and “justify” to my lang.

When im buy pay API can we change it?
Rapid account: Smodin
smodin Commented 2 года назад

If you could share some samples that are failing, we can try to debug. We have fixed a large number of formatting issues before and after, and since then we haven’t recieved any problematic requests. Please share a sample so we can implement a fix.

Rapid account: Kingozorg
kingozorg Commented 2 года назад

Same here. Need to keep the structure of the content. (Only has simple tags like <h1> <p> <u> <li> etc.) So my solution would be to split everything up and send it line by line separately. But that would drastically increase the number of requests. All payed plans have fewer requests and a lot of characters. What would be the best solution?

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