Instagram Scraper API

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Use Pagination to retrieve User Posts to .CSV

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What is pagination?

Pagination divides all the data (e.g. all the posts of a user) into manageable sets or “pages”. You receive a limited amount on each request, and can ask for more results on demand.

For example to retrieve user posts, you will receive 12 posts per API request. If you need all posts of a user, you will need multiple API requests.

How does pagination work?

First request

Say you make some request, for example retrieving posts:

GET {...}/v1/posts?username_or_id_or_url=mrbeast

Expect the response structure to look like:

  "data": {
    "count": 12,
    "items": [{post_1}, {post_2}, ..., {post_12}]
  "pagination_token": "some_string";
Subsequent requests

Just repeat the same request, adding pagination_token to your query parameters. Example:

GET {...}/v1/posts?username_or_id_or_url=mrbeast&pagination_token=some_string

You will get 12 more new results.

Last request

Once you get pagination_token: null in your response, it means there is no more data to fetch.

Code Example


This is a simple example to retrieve all posts of an account. You will need to provide your own API key.

import requests

# rapid_api_key = "your-api-key"

def get_user_posts_request(username, pagination_token=None):
    # Set the API endpoint URL, request parameters and RapidAPI headers
    url = ""
    querystring = {
        "username_or_id_or_url" : username,
        "pagination_token": pagination_token
    headers = {
        "X-RapidAPI-Key": rapid_api_key,
        "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

    posts = [] # list of posts retrieved
    next_token = None # pagination token retrieved for next page
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
        status_code = response.status_code
        if status_code == 200: # success
            response_json = response.json()
            posts = response_json["data"]["items"]
            next_token = response_json["pagination_token"]
        elif status_code == 404:
            print("Account invalid or private")
            print("Error:", response.text)

    except Exception as e:
        print("Unexpected error:", e)
    return posts, next_token

def get_user_posts_all(username):
    # List to store all posts
    posts = []
    # Set no pagination for first request
    pagination_token = None
    while True:
        # Get one "page" of posts
        new_posts, next_token = get_user_posts_request(username, pagination_token=pagination_token)
        # update the list of posts and the pagination token
        posts += new_posts
        pagination_token = next_token
        print(f"Total posts: {len(posts)}")
        # No `pagination_token` = no more posts
        if pagination_token is None:
    return posts

# Let's get the posts of some account
username = "insert_username"
posts_list = get_user_posts_all(username)

To extend the example, let’s export to a .CSV file some key metrics:

import pandas as pd

posts_dict = {}
for post in posts_list:
    post_id = post["id"]
    is_video = post["is_video"]
    posts_dict[post_id] = {
        "is_video": is_video,
        "timestamp": post["taken_at_timestamp"],
        "num_likes": post["preview_likes"]["count"],
        "num_comments": post["comments"]["count"],
        "caption": post["captions"]["items"][0]["text"],
        "image_url": post["display_url"],
        "is_pinned": bool(post["pinned_for_users"]),
        "video_url": post.get("video_url", None),
        "video_view_count": post.get("video_view_count", None),
df_posts = pd.DataFrame(posts_dict.values(), index=posts_dict.keys()) = "post_id"