
Par Stefan Skliarov | Mise à jour 8일 전 | eCommerce

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API2Cart Package

Connect your app with shopping carts. As many as you need. Via one integration.

How to get credentials:

  1. Browse to API2Cart website
  2. Register or log in
  3. Go to Stores page to get your apiKey

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Add store to the account

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
cartId String Store’s identifier which you can get from cart_list method
storeUrl String A web address of a store that you would like to connect to API2Cart
bridgeUrl String This parameter allows to set up store with custom bridge url
storeRoot String Absolute path to the store root directory
storeKey String Set this parameter if bridge is already uploaded to store
validateVersion Select Specify if api2cart should validate cart version
verify Select Enables or disables cart’s verification
ftpHost String FTP connection host
ftpUser String FTP user
ftpPassword String FTP password
ftpPort String FTP port
ftpStoreDir String FTP Store dir
eliteApiKey String Shopping Cart Elite API Key
adminAccount String It’s a BigCommerce account for which API is enabled
apiPath String BigCommerce API URL
bigcommerceApiKey String BigCommerce API Key
clientId String Client ID of the requesting app.
accessToken String Access token authorizing the app to access resources on behalf of a user
apiPassword String Shopify API Password
encryptedPassword String Volusion API Password
login String It’s a Volusion account for which API is enabled
apiUser String It’s a AspDotNetStorefront account for which API is available
apiPass String AspDotNetStorefront API Password
userName String MobiCart User Name
accessKey String Shopping Cart Elite Access Key
apiSecretKey String Shopping Cart Elite API Secret Key
privateKey String 3DCart Application Private Key
appToken String 3DCart Token from Application
etsyKeystring String Etsy keystring
etsySharedSecret String Etsy shared secret
tokenSecret String Secret token authorizing the app to access resources on behalf of a user
ebayClientId String Application ID (AppID)
ebayClientSecret String Shared Secret from eBay application
ebayRuname String The RuName value that eBay assigns to your application.
ebayAccessToken String Used to authenticate API requests.
ebayRefreshToken String Used to renew the access token.
ebayEnvironment String Ebay environment
dwClientId String Demandware client id
dwApiPass String Demandware api password


Check store availability, bridge connection for the downloadable carts etc

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
validateVersion Select Specify if api2cart should validate cart version


Get list of supported carts

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key


Get bridge key and store key

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key


Remove store from API2Cart

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key


Disconnect with the store and clear store session data.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
deleteBridge Select Identifies if there is a necessity to delete bridge


Get list of cart methods

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key


Get list of cart configs

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Get info about cart

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
storeId String Store Id


Use this API method to update custom data in client database

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
customFields String This parameter sets the list of params to the shopping cart.
storeId String Store Id


Get list of installed plugins

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
storeId String Store Id


Get cart coupons count

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
dateStartFrom DatePicker Filter entity by date_start (greater or equal)
dateStartTo DatePicker Filter entity by date_start (less or equal)
dateEndFrom DatePicker Filter entity by date_end (greater or equal)
dateEndTo DatePicker Filter entity by date_end (less or equal)
storeId String Store Id
avail Select Defines category’s visibility status


Get gift cards count

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
storeId String Store Id


Get gift cards list

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
storeId String Store Id
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Get cart coupons list

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
dateStartFrom DatePicker Filter entity by date_start (greater or equal)
dateStartTo DatePicker Filter entity by date_start (less or equal)
dateEndFrom DatePicker Filter entity by date_end (greater or equal)
dateEndTo DatePicker Filter entity by date_end (less or equal)
storeId String Store Id
avail Select Defines category’s visibility status
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
langId Number Language id
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Create new gift card

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
amount String Defines the gift card amount value.
code String Gift card code
ownerEmail String Gift card owner email


Create new coupon

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
code String Coupon code
actionType String Coupon discount type
actionApplyTo String Defines where discount should be applied
actionScope String Specify how discount should be applied.
actionAmount String Defines the discount amount value.
dateStart DatePicker Defines when discount code will be available.
dateEnd DatePicker Defines when discount code will be expired.
usageLimit Number Usage limit for coupon.
usageLimitPerCustomer Number Usage limit per customer.
actionConditionEntity String Defines entity for action condition.
actionConditionKey String Defines entity attribute code for action condition.
actionConditionOperator String Defines condition operator
actionConditionValues List Defines condition attribute value/s. Can be comma separated string.


Delete coupon

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
couponId String Id of the coupon


Clear cache on store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
cacheType String Defines which cache should be cleared.


Get list of products from your store. Returns 4 products by default.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String Set this parameter if bridge is already uploaded to store
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
categoryId String Retrieves products specified by category id
createdFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their creation date
createdTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their creation date
modifiedFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their modification date
modifiedTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their modification date
availView Select Specifies the set of visible/invisible products
availSale Select Specifies the set of available/not available products for sale
storeId String Store Id
langId Number Language id
productIds List Retrieves products specified by product ids
productVariantParams List Set this parameter in product to choose which entity fields product variants you want to retrieve
sinceId Number Retrieve products starting from the specified product id


Get count of products from your store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String Set this parameter if bridge is already uploaded to store
categoryId String Retrieves products specified by category id
createdFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their creation date
createdTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their creation date
modifiedFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their modification date
modifiedTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their modification date
availView Select Specifies the set of visible/invisible products
availSale Select Specifies the set of available/not available products for sale
storeId String Store Id
langId Number Language id
productIds List Retrieves products specified by product ids


Get product info

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
productId String Product Id
storeId String Store Id
langId Number Language id
productVariantParams List Set this parameter in product to choose which entity fields product variants you want to retrieve


Search product in store catalog.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
findValue String Entity search that is specified by some value
findWhere List Entity search that is specified by list of unique fields
find_params List Entity search that is specified by list of parameters
findWhat String Parameter’s value specifies the entity that has to be found


This method returns all available fields for product in the store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key


Add product to store catalog.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
name String Defines product’s name that has to be added
model String Defines product’s model that has to be added
price String Defines product’s price that has to be added
description String Defines product’s description that has to be added
sku String Defines product’s sku that has to be added
specialPrice String Defines product’s special price that has to be added
spriceCreate DatePicker Defines the date of special price creation
spriceModified DatePicker Defines the date of special price modification
spriceExpire DatePicker Defines the date of special price expiration
tierPrices String Defines product’s tier prices
groupPrices String Defines product’s group prices
availableForView Select Specifies the set of visible/invisible products for users
availableForSale Select Specifies the set of visible/invisible products for sale
weight String Defines product’s weight
shortDescription String Defines product’s short description
quantity String Defines product’s quantity
downloadable Select Defines whether the product is downloadable
wholesalePrice String Defines product’s wholesale price
createdAt DatePicker Defines product’s creation date
manufacturer String Defines product’s manufacturer
categoriesIds List Defines product categories id
taxClassId Number Defines product’s tax class id
type String Defines product’s type
metaTitle String Defines product’s meta title
metaKeywords String Defines product’s meta keywords
metaDescription String Defines product’s meta description
url String Defines product’s url
langId Number Defines product’s lang id
viewedCount Number Specifies the number of product’s reviews
orderedCount Number Specifies the number of product’s orders
attributeSetName String Defines product’s attribute set name in Magento
attributeSetName String Defines product’s attribute name in Magento
shippingTemplateId Number The numeric ID of the shipping template associated with the products in Etsy.
condition String The human-readable label for the condition (e.g., “New”).
listingDuration String Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active.
paymentMethods List Identifies the payment method (such as PayPal) that the seller will accept when the buyer pays for the item.
returnAccepted Select Indicates whether the seller allows the buyer to return the item.
shippingDetails Number The numeric ID of the shipping template associated with the products in Etsy.
paypalEmail String Valid PayPal email address for the PayPal account that the seller will use if they offer PayPal as a payment method for the listing.


Update product in store catalog.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
id String ID of the product
name String Defines product’s name that has to be added
model String Defines product’s model that has to be added
price String Defines product’s price that has to be added
description String Defines product’s description that has to be added
sku String Defines product’s sku that has to be added
specialPrice String Defines product’s special price that has to be added
costPrice String Defines product’s cost price that has to be added
retailPrice String Defines product’s retail price that has to be added
weight String Defines product’s weight
shortDescription String Defines product’s short description
quantity String Defines product’s quantity
increaseQuantity String Defines product’s quantity
reduceQuantity String Defines the decrement changes in product quantity
increaseQuantity String Defines the incremental changes in product quantity
metaTitle String Defines product’s meta title
metaKeywords String Defines product’s meta keywords
metaDescription String Defines product’s meta description
seoUrl String Defines product’s seo url
langId Number Defines product’s lang id
manageStock Select Defines inventory tracking for product
inStock Select Set stock status


Add image to product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String ID of the product
imageName String Defines image’s name
type List Defines image’s types that are specified by list
url String Defines URL of the image that has to be added
label String Defines alternative text that has to be attached to the picture
mime String Mime type of the image (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type)
position Number Defines image’s position in the list
image File Image


Update image of the product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String ID of the product
imageId String ID of the image
imageName String Defines image’s name
type List Defines image’s types that are specified by list
label String Defines alternative text that has to be attached to the picture
storeID String Store id
hidden Select Define is hide image


Delete image of the product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String ID of the product
imageId String ID of the image
storeID String Store id
imageName String Defines image’s name


Add product option from store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
name String Defines option’s name
type String Defines option’s type that has to be added
productId String ID of the product
optionValues String Defines option values that has to be added in Magento
description String Defines option’s description
avail Select Defines option’s visibility status
sortOrder Number Sort number in the list
required Select Defines if the option is required


Assign option from produc

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String ID of the product
optionId String ID of the option


Add product option item from option.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
optionValue String Value of the option
optionId String ID of the option
sortOrder Number Sort number in the list


Assign product option item from option.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productOptionId String Defines product’s option id where the value has to be assigned
optionValueId Number Defines value id that has to be assigned


Add variant to product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
name String Defines variant’s’s name that has to be added
model String Defines variant’s’s model that has to be added
price String Defines variant’s’s price that has to be added
attributes String Defines variant’s’s attributes that has to be added
description String Defines variant’s’s description that has to be added
specialPrice String Defines variant’s 's special price that has to be added
spriceCreate DatePicker Defines the date of special price creation
spriceModified DatePicker Defines the date of special price modification
spriceExpire DatePicker Defines the date of special price expiration
availableForView Select Specifies the set of visible/invisible variants for users
availableForSale Select Specifies the set of visible/invisible variants for sale
weight String Defines variants’s weight
shortDescription String Defines variants’s short description
quantity String Defines variants’s quantity
createdAt DatePicker Defines variants’s creation date
manufacturer String Defines variants’s manufacturer
taxClassId String Defines variants’s tax class id
metaTitle String Defines variants’s meta title
metaKeywords String Defines variants’s meta keywords
metaDescription String Defines variants’s meta description
url String Defines product’s url


Get list of product cariants from your store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String Set this parameter if bridge is already uploaded to store
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
categoryId String Retrieves products specified by category id
createdFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their creation date
createdTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their creation date
modifiedFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their modification date
modifiedTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their modification date
storeId String Store Id
productId String Retrieves products’ variants specified by product id


Get count of product variants from your store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String Set this parameter if bridge is already uploaded to store
categoryId String Retrieves products specified by category id
createdFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their creation date
createdTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their creation date
modifiedFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their modification date
modifiedTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their modification date
storeId String Store Id
productId String Retrieves products’ variants specified by product id


Update variant to product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
id String Id of the variant
price String Defines variant’s’s price that has to be added
description String Defines variant’s’s description that has to be added
specialPrice String Defines variant’s 's special price that has to be added
shortDescription String Defines variants’s short description
quantity String Defines variants’s quantity
metaTitle String Defines variants’s meta title
metaKeywords String Defines variants’s meta keywords
metaDescription String Defines variants’s meta description
sku String Defines variants’s sku
visible String Set visibility status
status String Defines product variant’s status


Delete variant to product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
id String Id of the variant


Add manufacturer to store and assign to product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
manufacturer String Defines product’s manufacturer’s name


Add currency and/or set default in store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
iso3 String Specifies standardized currency code
rate String Defines the numerical identifier against to the major currency
name String Defines currency’s name
avail Select Specifies whether the currency is available
symbolLeft String Defines the symbol that is located before the currency
symbolRight String Defines the symbol that is located after the currency
default Select Specifies currency’s default meaning


Update product option item from option

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
optionValueId Number Defines value id that has to be assigned
price String Defines new product option price
quantity String Defines new products’ options quantity


Get variant info

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
id String Id of the variant
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
storeId String Store Id


Get list of options

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved


Get list of currencies

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
default Select Specifies currency’s default meaning
avail Select Defines category’s visibility status


Get list of attributes

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
sortBy String Set field to sort by
sortDirection String Set sorting direction
langId Number Language id
storeId String Store Id
attributeId String Retrieves info for specified attributeId
attributeGroupId String Filter by attributeGroupId
setName String Retrieves attributes specified by set_name in Magento


Add some prices to the produc

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
groupPrices String Defines product’s group prices


Update product price

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
groupPrices String Defines product’s group prices


Delete product price

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
groupPrices String Defines product’s group prices


Add some prices to the product variant

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
variantId String Id of the variant
groupPrices String Defines product’s group prices


Update some prices of the product variant

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
variantId String Id of the variant
groupPrices String Defines product’s group prices


Delete some prices of the product variant

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
variantId String Id of the variant
groupPrices String Defines product’s group prices


Set attribute value to product.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
attributeId String Filter by attributeId
attributeGroupId String Filter by attributeGroupId
attributeName String Define attribute name
value String Define attribute value
valueId Number Define attribute value id
langId Number Language id
storeId String Store Id


Get child items list of specific product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Id of the product
langId Number Language id
storeId String Store Id
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Get list of categories from store. Returns 4 categories by default.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
parentId String Retrieves categories specified by parent id
langId Number Language id
storeId String Store Id
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Count categories in store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String Retrieves categories specified by parent id
langId Number Language id
storeId String Store Id


Get category info about category ID

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
categoryId String Id of the category
langId Number Language id
storeId String Store Id
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Search category in store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
findValue String Entity search that is specified by some value
findWhere List Entity search that is specified by list of unique fields
find_params List Entity search that is specified by list of parameters


Add new category in store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
name String Name of the category
parentId String Retrieves categories specified by parent id
storesIds List Create category in the stores that is specified by list of store ids
storeId String Store Id
avail Select Defines category’s visibility status
sortOrder Number Sort number in the list
createdTime DatePicker Entity’s date creation
modifiedTime DatePicker Entity’s date modofication
description String Defines category’s description that has to be added
metaTitle String Defines category’s meta title
metaKeywords String Defines category’s meta keywords
metaDescription String Defines category’s meta description
seoUrl String Defines category’s seo url


Update existing category in store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
name String Name of the category
categoryId String ID of the category
storesIds List Create category in the stores that is specified by list of store ids
parentId String Retrieves categories specified by parent id
avail Select Defines category’s visibility status
sortOrder Number Sort number in the list
createdTime DatePicker Entity’s date creation
modifiedTime DatePicker Entity’s date modofication
description String Defines category’s description that has to be added
metaTitle String Defines category’s meta title
metaKeywords String Defines category’s meta keywords
metaDescription String Defines category’s meta description
seoUrl String Defines category’s seo url


Delete existing category in store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
categoryId String ID of the category


Assign category to product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String ID of the product
categoryId String Id of the category


Unassign category to product

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
productId String ID of the product
categoryId String Id of the category


Add image to category

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
categoryId String ID of the category
imageName String Defines image’s name
url String Defines URL of the image that has to be added
label String Defines alternative text that has to be attached to the picture
mime String Mime type of image (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type)
type List Defines image’s types that are specified by list
position Number Defines image’s position in the list
storeId String Store Id


Update image for category

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
categoryId String ID of the category
imageName String Defines image’s name
label String Defines alternative text that has to be attached to the picture
type List Defines image’s types that are specified by list
position Number Defines image’s position in the list
storeId String Store Id


Delete image for category

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
categoryId String ID of the category
image_id String Id of the image
storeId String Store Id


Count orders in store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
customerId String Counts orders quantity specified by customer id
customerEmail String Counts orders quantity specified by customer email
orderStatus String Counts orders quantity specified by order status
createdTo String Retrieve entities to their creation date
createdFrom String Retrieve entities from their creation date
modifiedTo String Retrieve entities to their modification date
modifiedFrom String Retrieve entities from their modification date
storeId String Store Id
orderIds List Counts orders specified by order ids


Get list of orders from store. Returns 4 orders by default

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
customerId String Counts orders quantity specified by customer id
customerEmail String Counts orders quantity specified by customer email
orderStatus String Counts orders quantity specified by order status
createdTo String Retrieve entities to their creation date
createdFrom String Retrieve entities from their creation date
modifiedTo String Retrieve entities to their modification date
modifiedFrom String Retrieve entities from their modification date
storeId String Store Id
orderIds List Counts orders specified by order ids
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Get order info about order ID

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
orderId String Id of the order
storeId String Store Id
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Find orders

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
customerId String Counts orders quantity specified by customer id
customerEmail String Counts orders quantity specified by customer email
orderStatus String Counts orders quantity specified by order status
createdTo String Retrieve entities to their creation date
createdFrom String Retrieve entities from their creation date
modifiedTo String Retrieve entities to their modification date
modifiedFrom String Retrieve entities from their modification date
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Add a new order to the cart

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
orderId String Defines the order id if it is supported by the cart
storeId String Defines store id where the order should be assigned
orderStatus String Defines order status.
sendNotifications Select Send notifications to customer after order was created
customerEmail String Defines the customer specified by email for whom order has to be created
billFirstName String Specifies billing first name
billLastName String Specifies billing last name
billLastName String Specifies billing last name
billAddress1 String Specifies first billing address
billCity String Specifies billing city
billPostcode String Specifies billing postcode
billState String Specifies billing state
billCountry String Specifies billing country
shippFirstName String Specifies shipping first name
shippLastName String Specifies shipping last name
shippAddress1 String Specifies first shipping address
shippCity String Specifies shipping city
shippPostcode String Specifies shipping postcode
shipp_state String Specifies shipping state
shippCountry String Specifies shipping country
totalPrice String Defines order’s total price
date DatePicker Specifies an order creation date in format Y-m-d H:i:s
orderItemId String Defines orders specified by order item id
orderItemName String Defines orders specified by order item name
orderItemModel String Defines orders specified by order item model
orderItemPrice String Defines orders specified by order item price
orderItemQuantity Number Defines orders specified by order item quantity
orderItemVariantId String Ordered product variant.
orderPaymentMethod String Defines order payment method
orderShippingMethod String Defines order shipping method
currency String Currency code of order
billAddress2 String Specifies second billing address
billCompany String Specifies billing company
billPhone String Specifies billing phone
billFax String Specifies billing fax
comment String Specifies order comment
adminComment String Specifies admin’s order comment
customerFirstName String Specifies customer’s first name
customerLastName String Specifies customer’s last name
customerBirthday String Specifies customer’s birthday
customerFax String Specifies customer’s fax
customerPhone String Specifies customer’s phone
shippAddress2 String Specifies second shipping address
shippCompany String Specifies shipping company
shippPhone String Specifies shipping phone
shippFax String Specifies shipping fax
dateModified DatePicker Specifies order’s modification date
dateFinished DatePicker Specifies order’s finished date
subtotalPrice String Total price of all ordered products multiplied by their number, excluding tax, shipping price and discounts
taxPrice String The value of tax cost for order
shippingPrice String Specifies order’s shipping price
discount String Specifies order’s discount
couponDiscount String Specifies order’s coupon discount
giftCertificateDiscount String Specifies order’s gift certificate discount
giftCertificateDiscount String Specifies order’s gift certificate discount
orderItemTax String Percentage of tax for product order
orderItemOptionName String Ordered Product Option Name.
orderItemOptionValue String Ordered Product Option value.
orderItemOptionPrice String Ordered Product Option price.
fulfillmentStatus String Create order with fulfillment status
financialStatus String Create order with financial status


Update existing order.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
orderId String Id of the order
storeId String Store Id
orderStatus String Defines new order’s status
comment String Specifies order comment
dateModified DatePicker Specifies order’s modification date
dateFinished DatePicker Specifies order’s finished date
financialStatus String Create order with financial status


Retrieve list of statuses

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key


Get list of orders that were left by customers before completing the order.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
customerId String Retrieves orders specified by customer id
customerEmail String Retrieves orders specified by customer email
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
createdFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their creation date
createdTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their creation date
modifiedFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their modification date
modifiedTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their modification date


Get list of shipments by orders

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
createdFrom DatePicker Retrieve entities from their creation date
createdTo DatePicker Retrieve entities to their creation date


Add a shipment to the order.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
orderId String Id of the order
shipmentProvider String Defines company name that provide tracking of shipment
items List Defines items in the order that will be shipped
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Update a shipment to the order.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
orderId String Id of the order
shipmentId String Id of the shipment
shipmentProvider String Defines company name that provide tracking of shipment
trackingNumbers List Defines shipment’s tracking numbers that have to be added


Retrieve list of financial statuses

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key


Get list of customers from store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
createdTo String Retrieve entities to their creation date
createdFrom String Retrieve entities from their creation date
modifiedTo String Retrieve entities to their modification date
modifiedFrom String Retrieve entities from their modification date
storeId String Store Id
groupId String Customer group Id
customerListId String The numeric ID of the customer list in Demandware.
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Get number of customers from store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
createdTo String Retrieve entities to their creation date
createdFrom String Retrieve entities from their creation date
modifiedTo String Retrieve entities to their modification date
modifiedFrom String Retrieve entities from their modification date
storeId String Store Id
groupId String Customer group Id
customerListId String The numeric ID of the customer list in Demandware.


Get customers’ details from store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
storeId String Store Id
customerID String Customer Id
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Search customer in store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
findValue String Entity search that is specified by some value
findWhere List Entity search that is specified by list of unique fields
find_params List Entity search that is specified by list of parameters


Add customer into store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
email String Defines customer’s email
firstName String Defines customer’s first name
lastName String Defines customer’s last name
password String Defines customer’s password
group String Defines customer’s group
createdTime DatePicker Entity’s date creation
modifiedTime DatePicker Entity’s date modification
login String Specifies customer’s login name
lastLogin DatePicker Defines customer’s last login time
birthDay DatePicker Defines customer’s birthday
status String Defines customer’s status
newsLetterSubscription Select Defines whether the newsletter subscription is available for the user
gender String Defines customer’s gender
website String Defines customer’s website
fax String Defines customer’s fax
company String Defines customer’s company
phone String Defines customer’s phone
addressBookType String Specifies customer’s address type
addressBookFirstName String Specifies customer’s address book first name
addressBookLastName String Specifies customer’s address book last name
addressBookCompany String Specifies customer’s address book company
addressBookFax String Specifies customer’s address book fax
addressBookPhone String Specifies customer’s address book phone
addressBookPhone String Specifies customer’s address book phone
addressBookWebsite String Specifies customer’s address website
addressBookAddress1 String Specifies customer’s first address in the address book
addressBookAddress2 String Specifies customer’s second address in the address book
addressBookCity String Specifies customer’s city in the address book
addressBookCountry String ISO code or name of country
addressBookState String ISO code or name of state
addressBookPostcode String Specifies customer’s postcode
addressBookGender String Specifies customer’s gender
addressBookRegion String Specifies customer’s region
addressBookDefault Select Defines whether the address is used by default


Update existing customer in store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
email String Defines customer’s email
deleteAddress Select Delete customer’s address item from address book by ID.
firstName String Defines customer’s first name
lastName String Defines customer’s last name
group String Defines customer’s group
createdTime DatePicker Entity’s date creation
modifiedTime DatePicker Entity’s date modification
login String Specifies customer’s login name
lastLogin DatePicker Defines customer’s last login time
birthDay DatePicker Defines customer’s birthday
status String Defines customer’s status
newsLetterSubscription Select Defines whether the newsletter subscription is available for the user
gender String Defines customer’s gender
website String Defines customer’s website
fax String Defines customer’s fax
company String Defines customer’s company
phone String Defines customer’s phone
addressBookType String Specifies customer’s address type
addressBookFirstName String Specifies customer’s address book first name
addressBookLastName String Specifies customer’s address book last name
addressBookCompany String Specifies customer’s address book company
addressBookFax String Specifies customer’s address book fax
addressBookPhone String Specifies customer’s address book phone
addressBookWebsite String Specifies customer’s address website
addressBookAddress1 String Specifies customer’s first address in the address book
addressBookAddress2 String Specifies customer’s second address in the address book
addressBookCity String Specifies customer’s city in the address book
addressBookCountry String ISO code or name of country
addressBookState String ISO code or name of state
addressBookPostcode String Specifies customer’s postcode
addressBookGender String Specifies customer’s gender
addressBookRegion String Specifies customer’s region
addressBookDefault Select Defines whether the address is used by default


Delete existing customer in store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
customerId String Customer Id


Get info about tax

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
taxClassId String Retrieves taxes specified by class id
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Get list of carts

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
requestFromDate DatePicker Retrieve entities from their creation date
requestToDate DatePicker Retrieve entities to their creation date


Update configs in the API2Cart database

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
clientId String Client ID of the requesting app.
bridgeUrl String This parameter allows to set up store with custom bridge url
storeRoot String Absolute path to the store root directory


List webhooks that was not delivered to the callback

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
webhookIds List List of webhook ids


Get attributes list

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
type Number Defines attribute’s type
attributeIds List List of attribute ids
storeId String Store Id
langId Number Language id
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
visible Select Filter items by visibility status
required Select Defines if the option is required
system Select True if attribute is system


Get attribute info

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
attributeId String Id of the attribute
langId Number Language id
storeId String Store Id
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


Get attributes count

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
type Number Defines attribute’s type
attributeIds List List of attribute ids
storeId String Store Id
langId Number Language id
visible Select Filter items by visibility status
required Select Defines if the option is required


Get supported attributes list

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key


Delete attribute

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
storeId String Store Id
attributeId String Attribute Id


Add new attribute

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
storeId String Store Id
type String Attribute type
name String Attribute name
langId Number Language id
visible Select Filter items by visibility status
required Select Defines if the option is required
position Number Defines attribute position in the list
isGlobal Select Attribute saving scope
isSearchable Select Use attribute in Quick Search
isFilterable Select Use In Layered Navigation
isComparable Select Comparable on Front-end
isHtmlAllowedOnFront Select Allow HTML Tags on Frontend
isFilterableInSearch Select Use In Search Results Layered Navigation
isConfigurable Select Use To Create Configurable Product
isVisibleInAdvancedSearch Select Use in Advanced Search
isUsedForPromoRules Select Use for Promo Rule Conditions
usedInProductListing Select Used in Product Listing
usedForSortBy Select Used for Sorting in Product Listing
applyTo String Types of products which can have this attribute


Assign attribute to the group

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
attributeId String ID of the attribute
groupId Number ID of the group
attributeSetId String Attribute set id


Assign attribute to the set

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
attributeId String ID of the attribute
groupId Number ID of the group
attributeSetId String Attribute set id


Unassign attribute from the group

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
attributeId String ID of the attribute
groupId Number ID of the group


Unassign attribute from the set

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
attributeId String ID of the attribute
attributeSetId String Attribute set id


Get attribute group list

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all
attributeSetId String Attribute set id


Get attribute_set list

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
exclude String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to ignore. Works only if parameter params equal force_all


List all Webhooks that are available on this store.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key


Count registered webhooks on the store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
entity String The entity you want to filter webhooks by (e.g. order or product)
action String The action you want to filter webhooks by (e.g. order or product)
active Select The webhook status you want to filter webhooks by


Create webhook on the store and subscribe to it

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
entity String Specify the entity that you want to enable webhooks for (e.g product, order, customer, category)
action String Specify what action (event) will trigger the webhook (e.g add, delete, or update)
callback String Callback where the webhook should send the POST request when the event occurs
label String The name you give to the webhook
fields List Fields the webhook should send
active Select The webhook status you want to filter webhooks by
storeId String Store Id


List registered webhooks on the store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
entity String The entity you want to filter webhooks by (e.g. order or product)
action String The action you want to filter webhooks by (e.g. order or product)
active Select The webhook status you want to filter webhooks by
start Number This parameter sets the number from which you want to get entities
count Number This parameter sets the entity amount that has to be retrieved
params String Set this parameter in order to choose which entity fields you want to retrieve
webhookIds List List of webhook ids


Update webhook on the store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
webhookId String Id of the webhook
callback String Callback where the webhook should send the POST request when the event occurs
label String The name you give to the webhook
fields List Fields the webhook should send
active Select The webhook status you want to filter webhooks by


Delete webhook on the store

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
storeKey String API2Cart store key
webhookId String Id of the webhook
Abonnés : 2
Ressources :
Site Web du produit
Créateur d'API :
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
Connectez-vous pour évaluer l'API
Note : 5 - Votes : 1