
Par Stefan Skliarov | Mise à jour vor 9 Tagen | Email

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Gmail Package


  • Domain: Gmail
  • Credentials: apiKey

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Google Developers Console
  2. Register or log in
  3. Enable Gmail API for you account
  4. Create and application

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Gets the current user’s Gmail profile.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Stop receiving push notifications for the given user mailbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Set up or update a push notification watch on the given user mailbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
topicName String A fully qualified Google Cloud Pub/Sub API topic name to publish the events to. This topic name must already exist in Cloud Pub/Sub and you must have already granted gmail “publish” permission on it. For example, “projects/my-project-identifier/topics/my-topic-name” (using the Cloud Pub/Sub “v1” topic naming format).
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
labelFilterAction Select Filtering behavior of labelIds list specified.
labelIds List List of label_ids to restrict notifications about. By default, if unspecified, all changes are pushed out. If specified then dictates which labels are required for a push notification to be generated.


Creates a new draft

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
message String The entire draft message in an RFC 2822 formatted.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
To: <>
Subject: Failure Notice
Hi. This is the mail transport agent at


Creates a new simple draft

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
toEmail String Email recipient
subject String Email subject
message String Email message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Get single draft

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
draftId String Id of the draft
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
format Select The format to return the message in.


Get all drafts

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Update existing draft

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
draftId String Id of the draft
message String The entire draft message in an RFC 2822 formatted .
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Send existing draft

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
draftId String Id of the draft
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Delete single draft

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
draftId String Id of the draft
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Creates a new label

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
labelName String The display name of the label.
labelListVisibility Select The visibility of the label in the label list in the Gmail web interface.
messageListVisibility Select The visibility of messages with this label in the message list in the Gmail web interface.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Get all labels

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Get single label

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
labelId String Id of the label
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Update single label

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
labelId String Id of the label
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
labelName String The display name of the label.
labelListVisibility Select The visibility of the label in the label list in the Gmail web interface.
messageListVisibility Select The visibility of messages with this label in the message list in the Gmail web interface.


Delete single label

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
labelId String Id of the label
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Lists the messages in the user’s mailbox

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
labelIds List Only return messages with labels that match all of the specified label IDs.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
includeSpamTrash String Include messages from SPAM and TRASH in the results
maxResults Number Maximum number of messages to return.
pageToken String Page token to retrieve a specific page of results in the list.
q String Only return messages matching the specified query. Supports the same query format as the Gmail search box. For example, " rfc822msgid: is:unread".


Directly inserts a message into only this user’s mailbox similar to IMAP APPEND, bypassing most scanning and classification. Does not send a message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
raw String The entire draft message in an RFC 2822 formatted.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
internalDateSource Select Source for Gmail’s internal date of the message.
deleted Boolean Mark the email as permanently deleted (not TRASH) and only visible in Google Vault to a Vault administrator. Only used for G Suite accounts.
labelIds List Only return messages with labels that match all of the specified label IDs.
threadId String Message thread id
To: <>
Subject: Failure Notice
Hi. This is the mail transport agent at


Get single message

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
messageId String Id of the message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
metadataHeaders String When given and format is METADATA, only include headers specified.
format Select The format to return the message in.


Delete single message

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
messageId String Id of the message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Update labels on single message

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
messageId String Id of the message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
addLabelIds List Labels to add
removeLabelIds List Labels to remove


Sends the specified message to the recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc headers.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
message String The entire draft message in an RFC 2822 formatted.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
threadId String Message thread id
To: <>
Subject: Failure Notice
Hi. This is the mail transport agent at


Sends simple message

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
toEmail String Email recipient
subject String Email subject
message String Email message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
threadId String Message thread id


Move single message to trash

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
messageId String Id of the message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Remove single message from trash

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
messageId String Id of the message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Imports a message into only this user’s mailbox, with standard email delivery scanning and classification similar to receiving via SMTP. Does not send a message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
raw String The entire draft message in an RFC 2822 formatted.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
deleted Boolean Mark the email as permanently deleted (not TRASH) and only visible in Google Vault to a Vault administrator. Only used for G Suite accounts.
neverMarkSpam Boolean Ignore the Gmail spam classifier decision and never mark this email as SPAM in the mailbox.
processForCalendar Boolean Process calendar invites in the email and add any extracted meetings to the Google Calendar for this user.
internalDateSource Select Source for Gmail’s internal date of the message.
To: <>
Subject: Failure Notice
Hi. This is the mail transport agent at


Delete several messages

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
ids List Ids of the message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Modifies the labels on the specified messages.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
ids List Ids of the message
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
addLabelIds List Labels to add
removeLabelIds List Labels to remove


Get single message attachment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
messageId String Id of the message
attachmentId String Id of the attachment
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Get single thread

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
threadId String Id of the thread
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
metadataHeaders String When given and format is METADATA, only include headers specified.
format Select When given and format is METADATA, only include headers specified.


Lists the threads in the user’s mailbox

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
labelIds List Only return threads with labels that match all of the specified label IDs.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
includeSpamTrash String Include threads from SPAM and TRASH in the results
maxResults Number Maximum number of messages to return.
pageToken String Page token to retrieve a specific page of results in the list.
q String Only return messages matching the specified query. Supports the same query format as the Gmail search box. For example, " rfc822msgid: is:unread".


Update labels on single thread

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
threadId String Id of the thread
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
addLabelIds List Labels to add
removeLabelIds List Labels to remove


Delete single thread

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
threadId String Id of the thread
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Move single thread to trash

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
threadId String Id of the thread
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Remove single thread from trash

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
threadId String Id of the thread
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Gets the auto-forwarding setting for the specified account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Gets IMAP settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Gets POP settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Updates the auto-forwarding setting for the specified account. A verified forwarding address must be specified when auto-forwarding is enabled.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
enabled Boolean Whether all incoming mail is automatically forwarded to another address.
emailAddress Boolean Email address to which all incoming messages are forwarded. This email address must be a verified member of the forwarding addresses.
disposition Select The state that a message should be left in after it has been forwarded.


Updates IMAP settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
enabled Boolean Whether IMAP is enabled for the account.
maxFolderSize Number An optional limit on the number of messages that an IMAP folder may contain. Legal values are 0, 1000, 2000, 5000 or 10000. A value of zero is interpreted to mean that there is no limit.
expungeBehavior Select The action that will be executed on a message when it is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible IMAP folder.
autoExpunge Boolean If this value is true, Gmail will immediately expunge a message when it is marked as deleted in IMAP. Otherwise, Gmail will wait for an update from the client before expunging messages marked as deleted.


Updates POP settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
emailAddress Boolean Email address to which all incoming messages are forwarded. This email address must be a verified member of the forwarding addresses.
disposition Select The action that will be executed on a message after it has been fetched via POP.
accessWindow Select The range of messages which are accessible via POP.


Gets vacation responder settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Updates vacation responder settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
enableAutoReply Boolean Flag that controls whether Gmail automatically replies to messages.
responseSubject String Optional text to prepend to the subject line in vacation responses. In order to enable auto-replies, either the response subject or the response body must be nonempty.
responseBodyPlainText String Response body in plain text format.
responseBodyHtml String Response body in HTML format. Gmail will sanitize the HTML before storing it.
restrictToContacts Boolean Flag that determines whether responses are sent to recipients who are not in the user’s list of contacts.
restrictToDomain Boolean Flag that determines whether responses are sent to recipients who are outside of the user’s domain. This feature is only available for G Suite users.
startTime DatePicker An optional start time for sending auto-replies (Y-m-d HⓂ️s). When this is specified, Gmail will automatically reply only to messages that it receives after the start time. If both startTime and endTime are specified, startTime must precede endTime.
endTime DatePicker An optional end time for sending auto-replies (Y-m-d HⓂ️s). When this is specified, Gmail will automatically reply only to messages that it receives before the end time. If both startTime and endTime are specified, startTime must precede endTime.


Lists the forwarding addresses for the specified account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Get single forwarding address for the specified account.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
forwardingEmail String The forwarding address to be retrieved.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Creates a forwarding address.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
forwardingEmail String The forwarding address to be set.


Gets the specified forwarding address.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
forwardingEmail String The forwarding address to be retrieved.


Deletes the specified forwarding address.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
forwardingEmail String The forwarding address to be deleted.


Creates a filter

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
addLabelIds List Labels to add
removeLabelIds List Labels to remove
forward String Email address that the message should be forwarded to.
excludeChats Boolean Whether the response should exclude chats.
from String The sender’s display name or email address.
hasAttachment Boolean Whether the message has any attachment.
negatedQuery JSON Only return messages not matching the specified query. Supports the same query format as the Gmail search box. For example, " rfc822msgid: is:unread".
query JSON Only return messages matching the specified query. Supports the same query format as the Gmail search box. For example, " rfc822msgid: is:unread".
size Number The size of the entire RFC822 message in bytes, including all headers and attachments.
sizeComparison Select How the message size in bytes should be in relation to the size field.
subject String Case-insensitive phrase found in the message’s subject. Trailing and leading whitespace are be trimmed and adjacent spaces are collapsed.
to String The recipient’s display name or email address. Includes recipients in the “to”, “cc”, and “bcc” header fields. You can use simply the local part of the email address. For example, “example” and “example@” both match "". This field is case-insensitive.


Get all filters

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Get single filter

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
filterId String Id of the filter
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Delete single filter

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
filterId String Id of the filter
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Creates a custom “from” send-as alias.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
sendAsEmail String An optional email address that is included in a “Reply-To:” header for mail sent using this alias. If this is empty, Gmail will not generate a “Reply-To:” header.
displayName String A name that appears in the “From:” header for mail sent using this alias. For custom “from” addresses, when this is empty, Gmail will populate the “From:” header with the name that is used for the primary address associated with the account.
isDefault Boolean Whether this address is selected as the default
replyToAddress String An optional email address that is included in a “Reply-To:” header for mail sent using this alias. If this is empty, Gmail will not generate a “Reply-To:” header.
signature String An optional HTML signature that is included in messages composed with this alias in the Gmail web UI.
host String The hostname of the SMTP service.
password String The password that will be used for authentication with the SMTP service.
port Number The port of the SMTP service.
securityMode Select The protocol that will be used to secure communication with the SMTP service.
username String The username that will be used for authentication with the SMTP service.
treatAsAlias Boolean Whether Gmail should treat this address as an alias for the user’s primary email address. This setting only applies to custom “from” aliases.


Updates a custom “from” send-as alias.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
sendAsEmail String An optional email address that is included in a “Reply-To:” header for mail sent using this alias. If this is empty, Gmail will not generate a “Reply-To:” header.
displayName String A name that appears in the “From:” header for mail sent using this alias. For custom “from” addresses, when this is empty, Gmail will populate the “From:” header with the name that is used for the primary address associated with the account.
isDefault Boolean Whether this address is selected as the default
replyToAddress String An optional email address that is included in a “Reply-To:” header for mail sent using this alias. If this is empty, Gmail will not generate a “Reply-To:” header.
signature String An optional HTML signature that is included in messages composed with this alias in the Gmail web UI.
host String The hostname of the SMTP service.
password String The password that will be used for authentication with the SMTP service.
port Number The port of the SMTP service.
securityMode Select The protocol that will be used to secure communication with the SMTP service.
username String The username that will be used for authentication with the SMTP service.
treatAsAlias Boolean Whether Gmail should treat this address as an alias for the user’s primary email address. This setting only applies to custom “from” aliases.


Lists the send-as aliases for the specified account. The result includes the primary send-as address associated with the account as well as any custom “from” aliases.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Gets the specified send-as alias.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Deletes the specified send-as alias.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Verify the specified send-as alias.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Lists S/MIME configs for the specified send-as alias

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Get single S/MIME config for the specified send-as alias

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
configId String The immutable ID for the SmimeInfo.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Insert (upload) the given S/MIME config for the specified send-as alias. Note that pkcs12 format is required for the key.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
expiration DatePicker When the certificate expires (Y-m-d HⓂ️s).
issuerCn String The S/MIME certificate issuer’s common name.
isDefault Boolean Whether this SmimeInfo is the default one for this user’s send-as address.
pem String PEM formatted X509 concatenated certificate string (standard base64 encoding). Format used for returning key, which includes public key as well as certificate chain (not private key).
pkcs12 String PKCS#12 format containing a single private/public key pair and certificate chain. This format is only accepted from client for creating a new SmimeInfo and is never returned, because the private key is not intended to be exported. PKCS#12 may be encrypted, in which case encryptedKeyPassword should be set appropriately.
encryptedKeyPassword String Encrypted key password, when key is encrypted.


Sets the default S/MIME config for the specified send-as alias.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
configId String The immutable ID for the SmimeInfo.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Deletes the specified S/MIME config for the specified send-as alias.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
sendAsEmail String The send-as alias to be retrieved.
configId String The immutable ID for the SmimeInfo.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.


Lists the history of all changes to the given mailbox. History results are returned in chronological order (increasing historyId)

Field Type Description
accessToken String Token received from Gmail
startHistoryId String Returns history records after the specified startHistoryId.
historyTypes List The immutable ID for the SmimeInfo.
labelId String Only return messages with a label matching the ID.
maxResults Number The maximum number of history records to return.
pageToken String Page token to retrieve a specific page of results in the list.
email String The email of the user. The special value me can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
Abonnés : 4
Ressources :
Site Web du produit
Créateur d'API :
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
Connectez-vous pour évaluer l'API
Note : 5 - Votes : 1