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Par Suneet Kumar | Mise à jour il y a une heure | Finance

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Api Calls Limit

Rapid account: Rahuldhiman 8847
il y a un mois

How many api calls are allowed for free subscription, and where i can get all that information about requests/response.

Rapid account: Suneetk 92
suneetk92 Commented il y a 24 jours

I think v2 version has limited requests right? compared to previous version which had a weaker restrictions over limit (the one which is marked as deprecated right now).

Yes, due to server cost, I unfortunately had to add some pricing plans. The Basic plan is really generous, isn’t it? How much limits do you need for your website/application?

Rapid account: Gundaliadev 9
gundaliadev9 Commented il y a 24 jours

As a free user, you are allowed 1000 requests / day and 100000 response objects / month. Details are available in the pricing page -

I think v2 version has limited requests right? compared to previous version which had a weaker restrictions over limit (the one which is marked as deprecated right now).

Rapid account: Suneetk 92
suneetk92 Commented il y a un mois

As a free user, you are allowed 1000 requests / day and 100000 response objects / month. Details are available in the pricing page -

Rapid account: Visionexcc
visionexcc Commented il y a un mois

same problem

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