AI Powered Fast Data Scraping

Par Stephan Yazvinski | Mise à jour 2 महीने पहले | Data
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Scrape Sonic API Documentation

Scrape Sonic is a powerful web scraping API that provides high-quality data extraction capabilities.

Fast response times

Our performance outperforms most if not all of the current APIs by leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, such as custom trained Large AI Language Models and one of the fastest API frameworks: FastAPI, to provide a speedy and efficient web scraping service.

Moreover, we utilize low level c++ libraries, which enable it to perform advanced web scraping operations in less time than normal.

Premium Residential US Proxies

Scrape Sonic uses premium residential US proxies for web scraping, assuring access to hard-to-scrape websites and the most updated data. Though this increases the API cost, but it dramatically boosts data accuracy and reliability.

Reducing Cost

To maximize cost-effectiveness, leverage client-side caching. By storing and reusing previous responses, you significantly cut down on redundant API requests, effectively reducing the overall API expense. This approach works best for frequent or repetitive data requests.


Our main endpoint is /extract. This endpoint allows you to pass in a URL of a webpage, along with specific data fields you wish to scrape from that page.

GET /extract

This endpoint retrieves information from a given URL.


  • url (required): The URL of the page you want to scrape. This parameter should be a valid URL.
  • scrape_feilds (required): A comma-separated list of the data fields you want to scrape from the website.


In this example, we’re scraping the title, and price from the page at


{ "product_price": 55.00, "product_name": "Pi 4 4GB Board Only" }

The API returns a JSON object containing the requested fields and their corresponding data extracted from the website. If the API can’t find any data for a particular field, it returns null for that field.

In case of an error (e.g., if url or scrapeFields parameters are not provided), the API returns an error message with the HTTP status code 400.

Why Choose Scrape Sonic?

  1. Advanced Data Extraction: Scrape Sonic leverages Fine Tuned Neural Network AI models to power its data extraction, providing a higher level of precision and accuracy in the scraped data.

  2. Speed and Efficiency: Powered by FastAPI, Scrape Sonic provides faster response times than most traditional scraping APIs.

  3. Flexibility: You can specify the data fields you want to scrape, which makes this API a flexible solution for various use cases. No need to use xpath/class names to select, just use natural language.

  4. Robust Error Handling: Scrape Sonic incorporates sophisticated error handling methods, providing you with clear and actionable feedback when things go wrong.

  5. Rich Data Extraction: By utilizing low level c++ html parsers, Scrape Sonic can perform advanced scraping operations and provide more detailed and structured data.

  6. Premium US Residential Proxies: We utilize high-quality, premium US residential proxies and cycle them for each request. This ensures access to hard-to-scrape sites, accurate data, improved anonymity, and reduced detection, despite the slightly increased API cost.


Please note that Scrape Sonic does not support scraping of websites that require user authentication.

Getting Started

To start using Scrape Sonic API, you need to purchase access through our Rapid API. Once purchased, you will receive an API key that you will need to use to authenticate your requests. For more details about the pricing and how to purchase, visit the Rapid API pricing page.

Abonnés : 1
Ressources :
Conditions d'utilisation
Créateur d'API :
Rapid account: Stephan Yazvinski
Stephan Yazvinski
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Note : 5 - Votes : 1