Tank01 Fantasy Stats

Par tank01 | Mise à jour 11일 전 | Sports

9.7 / 10



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I am facing issue with fetching opponent team

Rapid account: Mrsavegefreek
8달 전

I am facing issue. I don’t know whether that’s a bug or its made like that. I want to fetch opponent teams from date string like if date string is 20230522_DEN@LAL then 1 is opponent team I believe but it gets swapped like in some cases sometimes the characters after _ is the opponent team and sometimes after @ so not able to fetch correctly and I use python

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 8달 전

Hi! I commented back to you on the same thread that you posted in our MLB API. Hope that helped you. If not, email me at support@tank01.com and I can respond to you with exact python code.


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