Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL

Par tank01 | Mise à jour vor 3 Tagen | Sports

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KC@BAL frozen?

Rapid account: Big Wave
vor 5 Monaten

Doesn’t look like any data has been updated since 7:08 of the 2nd. Am I missing something, or is that the case?

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented vor 5 Monaten

Hi BigWave, there definitely is some new issue that just popped up today. I’ll keep watching and figure this out before Superbowl.

Rapid account: Big Wave
BigWave Commented vor 5 Monaten

No worries. Thanks!

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented vor 5 Monaten

Yep, server and backup server crashed somehow. I’ve restarted them both. Both are back up. Huge apologies. thanks for the heads up.

Rapid account: Connorkosko
connorkosko Commented vor 5 Monaten

Not piling on, just confirming it’s also happening for me too. Same time stamp in the game.

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