Sentiment Analysis

Par TextMiner | Mise à jour un mese fa | Tools
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Proof of concept

Rapid account: Pawelantczak
9 years ago

I’m working for a big IT company Atos.
We are working on PoCs for Near East clients.
One of use cases which we are currently working on, contains Twitter sentiment analysis.
Your solution seems to be perfect for us.
The problem is, that 100 call per day not enough for development/demo purposes.
Is there a possibility to get trial api key which will allow us to perform more than 100 calls to you api?
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Rapid account: Textanalysis
textanalysis Commented 9 years ago

close it

Rapid account: Textanalysis
textanalysis Commented 9 years ago

You can subscribe a pro plan that provides 30000 calls every day.

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